On Nov 9, 2011, at 16:59 , David Laakso wrote:

> On 11/9/11 8:35 AM, mem wrote:
>> What do you think ?
> It makes no difference whether the grid is set to px, em, or percent width. 
> The problem still remain the same-- if and when a user scales up the fonts 
> she will be confronted with a situation of having to scroll both vertically 
> and horizontally  to read the page.

> The use of min-width, max-width, width can be used and adjusted to suit the 
> particular layout at hand and alleviate this issue. Just how that is done and 
> whether they are set in px, em, or percent -- or some combination thereof -- 
> is the real problem.

I hate when I don't even know what is my issue, and then, someone else points 
it out for me. :)
Indeed that is the main issue around the original question. :)

I'm prepared for place the margins, paddings and even images on *em* ;

Since rem is not supported on recently old browsers like ie7 and ie8 I prefer 
not to use it and deal with the so called "compounding" issues that may arrive. 
I still thanks Felix for the important note about the fact that pixels are 
still not as "friendly" as we think they are.

With Barney I'm not prepared for having a gigantic horizontal scroll that is 
neither designer nor user friendly at all.
In this case, should we consider the use as max-width ?

By taking into consideration point 1) (that I will choose em for padding and 
margins), and assuming 3) max-width could prevent the gigantic horizontal 
scroll bar traveling by the user, two questions rises:

Question A)
What unit should we use ? 
I've seen on some sites the option for "max-width: 100%" 
I've seen max-width defined with: em;
I've seen it with px;

Question B)
If we do so on the container wouldn't we end up with some overlapping things on 
a certain zoom in scale ? 
If so, how would we avoid it ?
 - Will we avoid it by dropping this idea of making margins and paddings with 
EM and use % instead ?
    (whispering to myself: please say no, please say no… Agains't David 
Hucklesby, I'm not that used to think with % - unfortunately for me.);

K. Regards,

> Best,
> ~d
> PS Been a long time. Nice to see you onthe list…

Thanks. The honor is totally mine, to count on this list expertise. 
Indeed I've been off of css for several months, let's see if I can stay for 
good this time. :)
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