Really like your EM-based site — what font is that? The thing I made was 
ultimately just way too elaborate: too many 'static' graphic design 
considerations for EMs to play nice. In practice it worked (and only recently 
got redesigned ;) but maintenance became an utter pain.

@David H
Your notion of using % for horizontal measurements and EM for height sounds 
very healthy to me. What with text playing a large part of how tall things are, 
the notion of using font-size as a relative measurement in that context makes a 
lot of sense.

I think what David L says about max-widths is absolutely on the money. 
Personally I'm a big fan of the 320andUp framework philosophy, whereby you 
cater for an environment where available width and CSS support may be limited 
(no extensive side-by-side layouts; no floats), and then deal with larger 
viewport real-estate via selective media queries.

As far as padding, margins and other 'secondary' measurements, I think EMs 
makes sense (when reading on my phone I like text to be at least half an EM 
away from the screen edge)… An important rule to bear in mind on this front is 
to apply padding and margin to elements without set widths. This is something I 
learned the hard way via OOCSS' fractional grids.css — I set the width or max 
width on a wrapper, and put the other dimensions on width:auto children. 
Without this precept, things tend to break or at least become very tenuous very 

My design priorities tend to dictate that heights should rarely be set, simply 
because life becomes infinitely easier once one dimension is left free to 
accommodate the overflows of the others (font-size, images scaling to width, 
variable contents…).

Once again I'd really recommend Ethan Marcotte's writings on the matter on 
alistapart.com. Responsive Web Design and the earlier Fluid Grids articles show 
a huge experience and massive insight on these matters.


Barney Carroll
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