2011-12-12 13:08, Joergen W. Lang wrote:

I've come across some sites that use the following code in the <head>

<style type="text/css" style="display:none">

It would be interesting to see some sample URLs, as that could let us find out why they are doing that.

I suspect it is there to either

a) prevent people from exposing their code

How would it do that? The contents of style elements aren't displayed on the page by default, and they can be inspected using View Source. The style attribute does not affect the latter at all, and regarding the former, display: none is the default.

b) prevent search engines from seeing their code

How would it do that? They don't interpret styles at all.

Is there any documentation of this?

In HTML 4.01, a style attribute is disallowed in a <style> element. In HTML5 drafts, it is allowed, as it is for any element. There is nothing special here, it means the same as for any other element. But browser behavior varies.

By default, browsers behave as if display: none were in effect for <style> elements - and they may even have such a rule in their actual browser style sheet. If you set the display property to some _other_ value, then the style sheet may become visible.

Using style="display: block" in a <style> element makes the style visible on my Firefox. On IE, I need to additionally set display: block for the <head> element. Cf. to appendix D of CSS 2.1 spec which says
  head            { display: none }
( http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/sample.html )

One _possible_ use for <style type="text/css" style="display:none"> would be to prevent rendering of one style element's contents in a context where it would otherwise be rendered, e.g. under the influence of

head, style { display: block; }


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