I have been trying for several hours to get a DIV containing four absolutely positioned images to 'float: right' up beside a left column which is floated left.


The HTML5 validates, as does the CSS3, and I cannot see why the DIV remains resolutely below the LH column. I've tried 'float:left', but it just goes to the extreme left of the screen at the same level. Arguably in HTML5 I should be using something other than a DIV, but that shouldn't prevent DIV from working.

There were some IE < 9 CSS hacks, but I've disabled them for this example. It's not the images, the problem remains if I substitute a short para of text.

Fairly obviously I'm missing something trivial (though vital). Perhaps another pair of eyes will see it.


Tim Dawson

Tim Dawson
Isle of Mull  PA66 6BP

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