On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:10 AM,  <bruce.som...@web.de> wrote:
> With critically appreciatedĀ  assistance from Vince Aggrippino, I'm learning!

Aw shucks :)

> Please consider the page at http://www.maireadnesbitt.com/index_next_tt.html .
> Is there a technique that will cause the middle section (text) to use the 
> entire available width between the thumbnails at the left and the photo at 
> the right, and yet to adjust 'gracefully' as the width of the window is 
> decreased (continuously)?

If you use percentage widths on #left_third, #middle_third, and
#caption, the widths of the blocks will adjust with the size of the
window, but those borders will throw it off because the width of the
border is added on top of the block's width.

Just playing around with this, I removed the borders and set the
widths to 20% for the #left_third, 50% for the #middle_third, and 30%
for #caption.

If you want to make sure those thumbnail images don't get cut off, you
can set a min-width on the #left_third.  I tried this with
min-width:155px, but the percentages get thrown off when 20% is less
than that min-width.

If you really want the borders, then you need to take their width into
account for your measurements.  That's not easy to do with
percentages.  Current best practice says you should be using the 'em'
unit for sizing.

If you're just using the borders while you work on the page to see
where the blocks start and end, I recommend using background colors
instead.  That way it doesn't mess up the layout.

I recommend reading about "Fluid Grids" for some guidelines about
using 'em': http://www.alistapart.com/articles/fluidgrids/

You might also want to consider using media queries to tweak your
site's layout at different window widths.

Here's an excellent article about "Responsive Design" that discusses
media queries: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/responsive-web-design/

... but keep searching the web.  There's a lot of good information on
the web about media queries, including some conflicting opinions about
when/if/how they should be used.

You have a really wide site and you might want to consider some
significant changes to the layout.  For example, the thumbnails and
site navigation could be horizontal and the #caption pic could be one
of the thumbnails.

If you want to consider making the navigation horizontal, but there's
too many links, consider making a 'media' page and consolidating a lot
of that content there.  Then you could replace several of those links
with a single media page.

Vince Aggrippino
a.k.a. Ghodmode

> Bruce
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