On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 5:20 AM, Keith Purtell
<keithpurt...@keithpurtell.com> wrote:
> We have a client where I work whose online publication has one area on a
> page defined as an iframe to pull in data from Twitter feeds. Data comes in
> fine. But this area does/doesn't have vertical/horizontal scroll bars
> showing up depending on your screen resolution or device. His tech who
> handles this doesn't know how to fix it, and he's asking us for help.
> Normally our system is a PDF-to-PNG process (how we publish for Web) not
> HTML/CSS/JavaScript. We do some of the latter for a few situations.
> I never use iframes. Wonder if someone can just point me in the right
> direction for info on how he can revise CSS to adapt iframe to different
> visitor platforms? (No link available at this time.) Thanks!

It's not really a CSS question, but a basic HTML question.  Iframes have a
"scrolling" property that defines whether or not the iframe should have
scroll bars...


However, the default setting will give the iframe scroll bars.  So, unless
you see scrolling="no" in the code, I think there might be something else going
on there.

Do you have some code you can share with us to help you solve the problem?

Vince Aggrippino
Ghodmode Development

> Keith
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