On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 1:02 PM, Keith Purtell
<keithpurt...@keithpurtell.com> wrote:
> On 3/10/2012 9:11 AM, Ghodmode wrote:
>> It's not really a CSS question, but a basic HTML question.  Iframes have a
>> "scrolling" property that defines whether or not the iframe should have
>> scroll bars...
>> http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/present/frames.html#adef-scrolling
>> However, the default setting will give the iframe scroll bars.  So, unless
>> you see scrolling="no" in the code, I think there might be something else
>> going
>> on there.
>> Do you have some code you can share with us to help you solve the problem?
>> --
>> Vince Aggrippino
>> Ghodmode Development
>> http://www.ghodmode.com
> Here's a temporary link to their code. I'll take a look at the w3 link while
> anyone who cares to can comment on the following: It's supposed to fit
> inside a tall slender area, and the publisher wants the full text width
> visible via different viewports. One of my co-workers thinks the only
> solution is JavaScript. (NOTE: The publication is a relatively tame
> "girlie/lifestyle" magazine, just letting you know in advance in case you
> dislike such) ...
> http://www.keithpurtell.com/kthings/if.htm

What you linked to there _is_ Javascript.  There's no iframe there, no
CSS, and not
really much HTML to speak of either.

I'm guessing that this page is the source (src) of the iframe, but your problem
is most likely in the page that contains the iframe itself.

Also, this question isn't really on-topic for the CSS-D list.  Maybe you should
consider posting this question on WebDesign-L: http://webdesign-l.com/

Vince Aggrippino
Ghodmode Development

> -Keith
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