
I am a C#.net programmer with several years of front-end design experience. I 
learned the disciplines in isolation and never considered asking the questions 
you are asking. Your questions really intrigued me.

An object in OO programming is meant to represent a tangible thing... it is 
somewhat akin to content in the HTML/CSS model... or perhaps a better analogy 
is it is like a jQuery or JavaScript function that generates content. You 
instantiate (or make) an object from a class (a template for an object).

A class in CSS is not meant to represent a tangible thing... it is meant to 
"skin" a tangible thing or make it look a certain way. In OO programming, you 
might create an object called car and give it a color property. Then you could 
assign a color to the car... perhaps by declaring something like:

car impala = new car();
car.color = "red";

In front end web design, the object and the color property are not so closely 
coupled. They are meant to be separated. But you can achieve the same thing:

<h1 class="cherryRed">Impala</h1>

.cherryRed {
        color: #cc0033;

(Note, though that I've named my class with meaningful semantics. I could have 
called the .cherryRed class something more generic like .color... or something 
even more ghastly and obscure like .x but I've chosen to give it a name that is 
more descriptive. Thus, the HTML markup reads very much the same as it would if 
I was using OO programming, but I digress...)

When I think about your question... I think what you are asking is how you can 
achieve the "template reusability" of OO classes in a CSS context. I think the 
answer to your question involves studying the following:

Inheritance (the cascade in CSS) 
Selector Grouping

CSS will never feel like OOP because they are decidedly different things... And 
while you might be used to declaring all of the properties of an object in a 
class file, when you use HTML and CSS you are asked to separate the 
presentation from the content. But once you learn how to cause the styles in a 
parent element to be inherited by child elements (and the reverse... how to 
prevent that inheritance) you will be able to work the way I think you want to 
work with your stylesheet development. If you also keep semantics in mind, that 
will also help a great deal IMO.

As for encapsulation... that is a concept in OOP that allows you to protect 
some aspects of a class by making some declarations public  and others private. 
Here's a good definition of encapsulation that I found on the web for those of 
you who aren't OO programmers: 

Encapsulation is an object-oriented principle of hiding the internal state and 
behavior of an object, making your code more maintainable. In C#, you can 
manage encapsulation with access modifiers. For example, the public access 
modifier allows access to any code but the private access modifier restricts 
access to only members of a type. Other access modifiers restrict access in the 
range somewhere betweenpublic and private. While you can use any of the access 
modifiers on type members, the only two access modifiers you can use on types 
are the public and internal. (Source: 

Again, here I think the concepts of specificity, inheritance and selector 
grouping will be very helpful for you.

If you want to make a style declaration "private" you need to write your style 
declaration with as much specificity as possible. If you want to make it 
"public" you write your style declaration with the least specificity as 

p {

This declaration is the least specific. It will apply to every single paragraph.

article>p {

Here, we're getting a bit more specific and saying we only want to apply this 
line height to paragraphs that are direct children of an article.

article>p:first-child {

Again, more specific here. Now  we're saying we only want to apply this line 
height to the first paragraph that is a direct child of an article.

So, to reiterate... studying specificity, inheritance and selector grouping 
will be very valuable.

Hope this helps,

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