On 01.08.2012 22:57, Tedd Sperling wrote:
What is wrong with using?

<!DOCTYPE html>

Sure it doesn't have a *real* DTD, but the W3C validator does somehow validate pages that 
have this DOCTYPE declaration, right? So, there must be some sort of *standards* it 
validates contents against, right? Where/what is that "DTD"? I think that would 
be an interesting thing to know.

Any answers for this simple person?

Have never said there was anything wrong with that "standard mode" trigger. Have used it for years - since mid 2008, but not on my own, private, sites since there's nothing to gain by using it there.

What I wrote earlier was that there was something missing in your, and the other guy's, simple examples, which can make all the difference in making HTML5/CSS work across more IE versions, or not. Someone had to point that out if it should come out to those who need that crucial bit of information, and it was just a coincidence that I hooked my response to your post.

Hope that satisfy your need for answer. If you want more, take it off-list.

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