Kuzeko Web Design - Matteo Lissandrini wrote:

> Yes, Christian is right, exactly from this observation come my question.
> How to handle this fact? Is 16px enough widespread to let us hope the
> design will be coherent through different systems and devices?
> Did you had some workaround or trick to enact?

I think it is vital to accept that, no matter how ubiquitous
the relationship between 16px and 1em, it is simply impossible
to replace the first by the second (and pro-rata) and achieve
your goal.  If it /were/ possible, the em would not be the
miracle unit that it is : rather, you need to re-think your
design, reserving pixels for image dimensions (and, arguably,
min- and max-dimensions) and expressing everything else in
relative terms : ems, for "relative to the current font",
aned "%", for "relative to the parent element".

Philip Taylor

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