On 3/17/14 8:14 AM, Chris Rockwell wrote:
I would recommend re-thinking how you execute your layout.  Absolute and
relative positioning are completely unnecessary in this case, and you're
only setting yourself up for more 'top: this' and 'left:this' when you want
to make this responsive.  In addition, you're using position:relative on at
least one element and then 'positioning' it with margin-top whereas on
another element in the same group, you're using 'top'.  It's just a bit
OK..how far up should I go in this re-execution? just the footer area that's being snarky for me, or the whole entire layout?

I've poured a delirious amount of time into this method of positioning on the strength of the idea that it avoided problems of the float left float right clear both method.

Perhaps its time spent learning..something..but I don't have any more time to squander on experiments...I sure don't need even more problems when it's time to make this buzzard responsive

THanks for you input
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