Le 5 avr. 2014 à 07:01, Davies, Elizabeth <elizabeth_dav...@gallup.com> a écrit 

> Looking for insight into (and potential correction to) the latest Firefox 
> browsers inflating the overall size/resolution of webpages. We use a mobile 
> first responsive upwards, and in the newest Firefox browsers, what is a 
> reasonable font size in every other browser becomes ludicrously large in 
> Firefox on high resolution monitors.  From what I'm seeing on the dev pages, 
> this is intentional for sites that do not use large font sizing (most) at the 
> high resolutions. But we are doing so in our newest sites. 
> I'd rather not deliver FF specific font sizing, but will if I must. Any 
> ideas? Fixes? Things to avoid?


Le 8 avr. 2014 à 05:41, Davies, Elizabeth <elizabeth_dav...@gallup.com> a écrit 

> and this appears to be a Windows OS with Firefox effect.  What we're seeing 
> is an overall inflation of the entire page (not just font size). Where on a 
> 1920 resolution screen, Firefox is behaving as if it's at 1280 and using that 
> media query break point instead of continuing on to the higher one. For the 
> same container, Firebug shows a computed width of 1505px / Chrome tools shows 
> a computed width of 1905px on the exact same screen (1920X1080 screen 
> resolution on the device).
> I hugely  appreciate the feedback. It's brought to light that it's not just 
> my sites, but also the old ones as well as every single web site I've visited 
> on Windows high resolution with Firefox past version 28.

This old thread probably provides an answer as to the why:

The above applies to Firefox 22 and up, if I follow the links & dates correctly.

I'm a little puzzled that you say it only happens on Firefox 28 and newer, as I 
see nothing the release notes that would justify this:

No, I don't have a solution and still don't understand what exactly they are 
doing. The claim is that IE should do exactly the same scaling, but apparently 
it does not…

See also this bug report, where the original implementation happened; scroll 
down to till the bottom.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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