There needs to be a guideline on EM's & REM's what about using them for positioning. I was helped from someone on this list with that a few weeks ago regarding using them as positioning.

This topic re-surfaces quite frequently, there should be some guidelines, then if the developer wants to expand on those guidelines they can, if not, the guide is more then adequate for any or all web page development.

Felix Miata wrote:
John wrote on 2014-09-17 12:49 (GMT-0700):

I mean that in my gathering information about proper use of rems, I’m
looking far and wide (online, people I know) and there is a disagreement
as to how rem units should be used.

One of the rem unit's important features, if not its most important, is that
size cascade is ignored. IMO it thus exists so that containers, and text, can
be (respectfully) sized *simply*, and *reliably*. Regardless of opinions what
the rem unit "should" be used for, the absence of cascade on text and
containers sized using rem the avoids the obfuscation font size cascade can
create, which often makes results seem inexplicable (and causes new threads
to start here).

When you set a width in rem, the ratio between base font size and the
container's design width remains constant no matter how many layers deep that
container lives, and no matter what the base font size is. Absent a viewport
contstraint, and absent you overriding the user's personal optimum font size
(his browser's default size setting) WRT that particular container, your e.g.
11 words wide container will hold 11 optimally sized words regardless whether
the user's default is 3mm, 12pt, 73px, 11px, 29px, 43px, etc. IOW, the user
agent's default size is, as it should be to stylists, irrelevant...


...a concept fundamental to the very idea of responsive design.
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