nov 13 2014 16:39 Tom Livingston <>:

> A sheet/styles for base styles. No MQ.
> A sheet/styles that kicks in with an MQ of min-width: 30em to make any
> necessary tweaks to the content.
> A sheet/styles that kicks in with an MQ of min-width: 37em to make any
> necessary tweaks to the content.
> A sheet/styles that kicks in with an MQ of min-width: 48em to make any
> necessary tweaks to the content.
> A sheet/styles that kicks in with an MQ of min-width: 60em to make any
> necessary tweaks to the content.
> Add or remove as content dictates... etc..
> This approach will allow you to code for basically any device without
> worrying about slight differences in screen sizes. Trying to code for
> each one will not be possible.

I think it was when I started with this approach that I gave up photoshop comps 
and started designing directly in the browser. I stil do graphics in Photoshop, 
but just elements and sprites. 

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