I've come across something I do not yet understand in a form I'm designing.

I have a <select> box inside a <ul> and I want to float the <ul> left and reduce the column width to < 50% so I can include some notes alongside. BUT when I apply the float to the <ul> the <select> box will no longer expand when its down-arrow is clicked (nor when I click in the <select> box itself).

See this Codepen: https://codepen.io/ramasaig/pen/YGqNxq/

I added the 'position: static' to the <ul class='w50'> styling in the hope of undoing the 'position: relative' on all <ul> , but it didn't have any effect. Removing the 'position: relative' solves the problem, and hasn't so far had any unintended consequences.

Here's the HTML:
       <legend><span>Select Year</span></legend>
       <ul class='w60'>
             <label for="sel_ix">Year<span class="rubric1"> *</span></label>
             <select name='sel_ix' id='sel_ix'>
                <option value='0'>2016</option>
                <option value='1' selected >2017</option>
                <option value='2'>2018</option>
       <ul class='w40'>
            The year for which settings are to be made<br />
            Defaults to 'next year'.
             <input class="submit" name="select" type="submit" value="Confirm 
Year" />

and the (partial) CSS (as used in Codepen):

    fieldset ul {position: relative;}

    .w50 {                // applied to the <ul> containing the <select>
       position: static;  // added in hope of cancelling the 'position: 
       float: left;
       width: 50%;

I've tried in both Firefox and Chrome, with the same result. I've also tried making the CSS both more and less specific, also without success.

I do have a work-around if necessary (remove 'position: relative'). But why do I a problem in the first place? Any help would be much appreciated.


Tim Dawson

Tim Dawson
Isle of Mull  PA66 6BP

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