Millions to tens of millions of files in tens to hundreds of thousands
of directories.
I love sqlite3, it's wonderful. But I know that pgsql scales much better as
databases get larger and I want to not worry about an inconvenient conversion,
since a need to convert would come due to increased load that would make a
conversion inconvenient. I haven't thought deeply about it; my comment was
offhanded. But you'd have to work hard to convince me that the general
scalability benefits of pgsql couldn't possibly apply here. ☺

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Fabricio Cannini <> wrote:
> Em 17-05-2013 15:40, Michael Johnson escreveu:
>>> BTW, you can also do
>>> CSYNC2_DATABASE=mysql://csync2:csync2@ prove
>>> CSYNC2_DATABASE=pgsql://csync2:csync2@ prove
>>> To check those backends as well.
>> Yeah, saw that, thanks!  I'll eventually test with pgsql because that's
>> how
>> I'll end up deploying, since I'll need it for scale.
> Hi Michael .
> Would you mind explaining why the need of a full DBMS for your usage of
> csync2 ?
> Fabricio
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