On Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 11:01:17AM +0400, Vadim Abdulaev wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a problem with Csync2 replication. 2 servers with centos 7 and
> csync2.0.2 (from okay repo). Files owner name, user ID and group ID are
> same on each server.
> Sometimes, on only 2 files owner changed to root.root and permissions to
> 600 on first node (on second node owner and permissions are correct).
> If i change file owner to correct on first node. After syncing it changed
> again to root.root.
> Any advice?

Try to narrow down "sometimes".
If we can reproduce, we can at least explain,
and most likely fix it.

Note that csync2 replicates numerical uid/gid.

You can try to increase verbosity, and when it happens,
the log lines about that file may give us some clues.


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