the daemon alerted the ctan team:

> Name of contribution: abnTeX2
> Author's name: Lauro Cesar Araujo
> Package version:  1.6.1
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/abntex2/
> Summary description: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents 
> based on ABNT rules
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   2013/04/30 - v1.6.1
>    . fixed use of different languages on example and documentation 
>      files: option "brazil" must be on documentclass
>    . added visual enhancements on documentation files
>    . changed the name of documentation files:
>      from: "Manual de uso dos estilos bibliográficos do pacote abntex2cite: 
>             estilos bibtex compatíveis com a ABNT NBR 6023"
>        to: "O pacote abntex2cite: Estilos bibliográficos compatíveis com a 
> ABNT NBR 6023"
>      from: "Manual de uso do pacote abntex2cite: tópicos específicos da 
>             ABNT NBR 10520:2002 e o estilo bibliográfico alfabético (sistema 
> autor-data)"
>        to: "O pacote abntex2cite: Tópicos específicos da ABNT NBR 10520:2002 
> e o 
>             estilo bibliográfico alfabético (sistema autor-data)"
>    . added information about bibliographies on examples.              
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
> or they may browse the package directory at

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

Robin Fairbairns

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