Lauro Cesar Araujo submitted updates to the



Summary description: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based 
on ABNT rules
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

  2013/05/25 - v1.7
   . added an optional argument to the citacao environment: language.
     Now the quoted text in foreign language is automatically written in italics
     and the right hyphenation system is selected. Use as: 
     \begin{citacao}[franch]Texte français.\end{citacao}  
   . added new options chapter=TITLE, section=TITLE, subsection=TITLE and
     subsubsection=TITLE to the abntex2.cls class. These options change
     the sections and chapter titles to upper case;
   . added macro \footciteref to abntex2cite that prints a bibliography 
     as a footnote in accordance to ABNT NBR 10520:2002 section 7.1.  
   . added xindy instructions in glossary model;
   . added macro \footciteref to abntex2cite that prints a bibliography 
     as a footnote in accordance to ABNT NBR 10520:2002 section 7.1.  
   . fixed abntex2cite's table 4: there was a line written twice;
   . changed class options declaration in all examples;   
   . fixed wrong \setsecheadstyle implementation that prevented font section be 
     changed as expected;
   . fixed bibliography style for @article and @journalpart caused by wrong
     implementation of iso-690-1987 option; 
   . fixed \apudonline compliance with section 7.1.3 from ABNT NBR 10520:2002: 
     the publication year of the main author now is printed;
   . fixed single spacing before chapters;
   . review text of documentations;   
   . replaced abntex2-doc-abnt-6023-2000.bib file by abntex2-doc-abnt-6023.bib:
     the new file replaces numerical bibkeys by keys composed by author name 
and year. 
     This aims to turn the document's updates easier;
   . merged abntex2-doc-abnt-10520-2001.bib and abntex2-doc-abnt-10520-2002.bib 
     into abntex2-doc-abnt-10520.bib;    


This package is located at
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group .  
Please join a users group; see .


Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf
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