Jean-François Burnol submitted an update to the xint
package. Version number: 1.09a License type: lppl Summary description: Expandable operations on long numbers Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \xintexpr..\relax is an expandable parser of expressions written with infix operators. It computes *exactly* on arbitrarily big numbers or fractions. Release 1.09a has added to its syntax: * functions with one, two, or arbitrarily many argments, among them reduce, sqr, sqrt, abs, sgn, floor, ceil, quo, rem, round, trunc, float, gcd, lcm, max, min, sum, prd, add, mul, all, any, xor, not. * comparison (<, >, =) and logical (|, &) operators, * 2way ? and 3way : conditional branching (skipped branches are /not/ evaluated), * \xintexpr <stuff>,<stuff>,... \relax returns the comma separated list where each <stuff> has been evaluated, * use of the standard macro parameter character # in the command constructor \xintNewExpr. Some new macros correspond to some of the \xintexpr recognized functions mentioned functions, such as \xintGCDof, \xintLCMof (package xintgcd), \xintMaxof, \xintMinof, e.g. to be used e.g. as \xintLCMof {{12}{15}{32}} with arbitrarily many arguments, etc... lcm(12,15,32) in the easier \xintexpr syntax. Macros for expandable conditional code \xintifSgn, \xintifGt, etc... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This package is located at More information is at We are supported by the TeX Users Group . Please join a users group; see . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese _______________________________________________ Ctan-ann mailing list