From: "Frank McGovern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The term navigator.  I am having a hard time beleiving that the
title/position of navigator came forth because of this gift you speak of.  A
word that can be substituted for navigator is pilot. The person who knows
the seas - the reefs, etc.  his job was to safely get the ship to where it
had to go.  I think this is more in keeping with what it might have meant


-----Original Message-----
From: Stella Maris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 07, 1998 3:54 PM
Subject: [priory-of-sion] navigating

From: Stella Maris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>count guelfi said he could navigate ; one of our list members also said
>she could navigate.
>maybe the count or other equally gifted people might like to weigh-in.

The application of the term 'navigation' was actually coined by me, it
comes from my description of what I do, which I call 'matrix navigation'.
The explanation of this concept is long and convoluted and we discussed
this at quite some length on the list last September, so it might be better
for those who are interested to go back to the end of September and read
the archives, rather than put the list through this again (although, as
usual, I am happy to answer direct questions). Or, better still, it might
be more fun to ask someone like Patrick Byrne, who has worked with me in
this capacity, to explain how I work... (Patrick just LOVES this stuff,
don't you Patrick?)

My own opinion is that this is not a psychic ability, I maintain that I am
about as pyschic as a fruit fly... but that this is more of a suppressed
6th sense that lies dormant in all human beings. The Dragon Order appears
to feel that this ability is chemical or neuro-chemical in nature and is
passed down in certain genealogical lineages, but my own view is more in
agreement with Guelfi's, that this dormant ability is becoming more common
and will eventually be common place.

It may be chemical in nature, but I have a friend lurking on the list who
is working on another view, a
mathematical model that explains how navigation works, which I find
delightful, but utterly incomprehensible.

I think, after having spent an excruciatingly agonising year trying to
explain what I do and how I do it, that I am more interested in verifying
specific information that I have retrieved via navigation than actually
understanding what it is and how one does it.

But perhaps the reason that these various orders are interested in the idea
of navigation is because there is a certain advantage in being able to
'preview' the various possible future realities with a view towards
'guiding' the human race towards the 'preferable' possible reality. But
then this opens up another can of worms...

BTW, while I'm here, I just wanted to say hi to everyone who has written to
me off-list. I have been really frantically busy in the Real World and I am
enormously behind on my correspondence, so please don't think that I am
avoiding or ignoring you if I don't answer right away...

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