-Caveat Lector-

This is an article that is not focused on Koestler's writings, but
on his behavior. But do notice how The 13th Tribe is categorized by
the Times.   --- Joshua2

Times (London)   December 29 1998
Koestler's: accused of abusing women

Koestler's bust is banished from campus


A BRONZE bust dedicated to the writer and philosopher Arthur Koestler
has been removed from the foyer of Edinburgh University after female
students complained that it made them feel uneasy when they learnt
that he had a history of sexually abusing women.

The bust, erected more than a decade ago to commemorate one of the
university's most famous benefactors, is being stored in an
undisclosed location after women threatened to deface it.

Students demanded its removal when a biography by Professor David
Cesarani claimed that Koestler beat and raped several women, including
Jill Craigie, wife of the former Labour leader, Michael Foot.

The university said yesterday that the bust had been taken away for
security reasons. The students' union said: "There was a feeling he
should not be there. One day it just vanished from the foyer."

Arthur Koestler, who died in 1982 aged 77 in a suicide pact with his
wife, left money in his will to set up a chair of parapsychology at a
British university to investigate the paranormal. Edinburgh University
won the award and established the only institute of its kind in

Until details of his private life emerged, Koestler enjoyed an
unblemished reputation as an intellectual writer. He studied science
and psychology in Vienna before becoming a foreign correspondent in
the Middle East and Spain. His novels included Darkness At Noon and
The Thirteenth Tribe.

Just because some Jew writes something some religious bigot would like
to believe, that doesn't make it so. Koestler popularized the investigation
into the Jewish/Khazar connection in history and deserves credit for it.
But his conclusion that all western Jews are Khazars is wrong.

We're still #1 with BIG G. Yay!!!

To get good information on the subject see the Khazar web site.

To get stupid racist bullshit, see Jim Condit and Michael Hoffman.


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