-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/98 7:46:04 PM, you wrote:

>Huh?  Most of the women I know who are on the pill have chosen to be on
>it, not because their 'man' has demanded it..  They see it as a personal
>choice that allows them to decide what happens to their bodies.  I admit
>that there are risks involved n the pill..

True, most women CHOOSE to take the pill, but it's only because no other safe,
equally effective method has been developed, 100% for lack of trying. Methinks
medical science could come up with a better way to control fertility, what
with all their fantastic god-like technology. And most of the women I've
spoken to on the issue begrudge the fact that better methods haven't been
developed. There's a conspiracy for you. With 80,000 women being diagnosed
with breast cancer every year, you've gotta look hard at something like


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