-Caveat Lector-

Oh, yes!  Heaven forbid that we should have anyone in
the white house with an actual track record of
productivity and success!!!

She came in to the ARC at a time the organization was
going down the tubes because of the blood services
fiasco.  Her first year's salary was given back to the
organization.  She has spent less then 25 percent of her
time in that cushy office.  In the 8 years she was
there, her specific efforts generated 187 million dollar
turn around of donations to an organization responsible
for providing food, clothing, shelter, medical supplies
to people who just lost everything they owned for the
first stage of disaster response.

I had to laugh because CNN commentators were saying how
she couldn't have much of a chance because she has no
political connections or fundraising potential.
My God, they dont have a clue how much grass roots she
already has behind her across the united state.  also if
one is interested in facts.  Take a look at the
Corporate and Individual donors that have contributed -
NOT to the local chapter but the NATIONAL organization
out of washington D.C.  Have you seen the sponsors
behind the national programs?  None of these were there
before her efforts.  I invite you to call the national
Red Cross fund raising office and ask them to send you
the article that was written about the break down of her
salary against the specific donor she personally brought
in.  Her yearly revenue comes to about 12,000 dollars.

Finally, I cant wait to see her up against her opponents
who only see a southern magnolia.  I guarantee that she
will NEVER resort to mud slinging, AND I have see her
rip someone's that out and keep moving - and the people
still think they are breathing because she never skipped
a beat of sweetness and genteelism.  There is absolute
cold steel in that magnolia!!
>From one woman's experience of life -

>-----Original Message-----
> -Caveat Lector-
>In a message dated 1/3/99 7:45:07 PM Eastern
>Standard Time,
>> Elizabeth Dole is planning to step aside as
>president of the American Red
>> Cross in a step her political supporters
>hope will lead to her running for
>> president
>Hey, anybody who can sit in a big office at
>the Red Cross should make a good
>Republican president.

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