-Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, Sno0wl wrote:
>I admit Joshua2 has gone overboard but in the past two decades, it
>seems to me that it hasn't been "liberal white males" but
>conservatives--mostly Republicans, but conservatives of every stripe
>who have fought against ERA, against abortion and a woman's right to
>choose, and done everything in their power to keep women in the
>kitchen.  The corporate wife  and the gracious hostess is the
>conservative model.

Reread my posts regarding Liberals/liberals,

Liberals of the capital-L variety give lip service to all the causes you
name, but not only do NOT practice such philosophies, but for the most
part actively work to see that they are NOT enforced in their direct
spheres, whether that be employment, or in their private lives...

But they'll be the first to give lipservice to 'empowering minorities',
all the while making sure that any minorities in their personal vacinity
are NOT empowered...

This is versus liberals of the small-L variety, who don't go around
crowing about their philosophy, they just DO it...

In your statement above, I have found that it has been Conservatives of
the capital-C variety who give lipservice to 'whatever' (usually whatever
opposes what the Liberals of the capital-L variety are espousing)....

But I have found conservatives of the small-c variety actually more
'empowering' of various minorities in their day-to-day dealings...but
they just DO it as a matter of course, they don't go about preaching
about it, nor trying to legislate that everyone else do the same...

>Even today most women in public roles are praised for beautification
>projects, interior decorating, hospital visits and involvement with
>children--even Princess Di fits this bill.

Don't blame Conservatives/conservatives for this...this is the VERY role
that Liberals put women into...

>Admittedly, most men have had trouble grasping what it is that "women
>want", but it seems to me that those who define themselves as
>"liberal" have made more of an effort to understand than most.

I have found the opposite...I have found Liberal males just want a woman
to be in a supportive role, while I have found conservatives (not the
capitalization) have been putting women into more roles that have REAL
substance (instead of just a title for show, with no real power)...

But most people who hung their hopes on the Liberals as the 'saviours of
women' have a problem seeing the real truth as to how those Liberals
really treat women...

>Sounds like you have had a bad experience and have your own axe to

Not really...just day-to-day living, meeting men who espouse various
philosophies...and I've never met a male of the Liberal variety who EVER
gave up power to women in any sort of organization, and rarely in their
personal lives...in respect to women, such men espouse Liberalism as a
euphemism for 'free sex', but expect the women in their sphere to stay in
the background baking cookies and brewing coffee when anything of
substance is being planned...

     :o:_    _:::
        /'  '\

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