-Caveat Lector-


>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 1/10/99 9:28:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> >
> >  On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Jim Norman wrote:
> >  >I was raised in the old South in Claxton, Georgia 1941-1949 and I can
> >  >tell you from personal experience that the old South I experienced
> >  >respected everyone.  There was no racial tension as today.  Black people
> >  >wanted to be with their kind and whites wanted the same.
> >
> >  Bull.  That's what you WANT to believe, to justify your racism.
> It is certainly true that there was a much higher level of respect for all
> individuals then than now. And there was certainly less racial tension, but
> more for reasons that I mention below. -JY
> >
> >  Try talking to the BLACKS who lived in the South at that time (as I
> >  have), and see if they were oh so content as you would like to believe...
> >
> >  I have a black friend who grew up down south, having to watch the local
> >  KKK'rs walk by her house -- in full regalia -- going to and from their
> >  meetings...and being made to smile and wave to them...I can tell you, SHE
> >  and her family were NOT content, but knew what they had to do to keep
> >  from being lynched and their house burned down...
> These things happened but they were not as prevalent as they are now made to
> seem. -JY
> >
> >  There's a reason they moved up North...because the South didn't provide
> >  them the opportunities in employment the North did, because of their
> >  race...
> >
> >
> >  >We worked
> >  >together Black and White to plant and clear the crops since most of the
> >  >able bodied men were still at war.
> >
> >  I'm sure blacks were given equal opportunity to plant & clear fields --
> >  for someone else.  How many blacks OWNED this property they worked on...?
> >
> >  How many blacks were allowed to take over important office and factory
> >  jobs, supervisory and managerial positions, when the 'able bodied men'
> >  (black men WEREN'T 'able bodied'?) were away at war?
> >
> >
> >  June
> >
> June is correct that there was almost absolute segregation in the South when
> it came to anything in life that might be worthwhile. I remember as a white
> toddler in South Carolina not understanding why an adult wouldn't hoist me up
> and let me drink from a certain porcelain water fountain. There was a yellowed
> pasteboard sign over it that I mentally photographed and read years later. It
> said, "COLORED." I remember not understanding why I couldn't sit in the back
> of the bus and look out the window.

--There is steel in your words of the segregation that existed.  But I did not
learn of it until the late fifty's when the marches and sit-in's began.

> As to how blacks felt about all this,  state of mind can be related to
> circumstances. Yes, poor whites worked side by side with blacks ("poor blacks"
> would be redundant). And both groups had the same state of mind.... they were
> each content with their lot in life because they had no hope. They both were
> content because to have or be anything different was beyond the scope of
> reason.

--Jim it would seem this way but don't be fooled by what we learned in school.  As
you drive by that poor, unpainted farm house with holes in the screen door and
what looks like white trash sitting on the front porch, don't fail to also notice
that house sits on a 1000 acres of land that never had a mortgage on it.  In our
case, most of the farms were 600+ acres.  We were lucky as we farmed 1400 acres
with at lease one 400 acre field fallow for crop rotation.  So, hopeless? No.
Poor? Yes, no cash.  Poor? no, we always had plenty to eat.  I know this because
when I would ask Momma for seconds she would always say, "NO boy, you've had
plenty to eat."  Content? yes, we made for ourselves what ever we needed and
traded for the things we needed but could not make.

> On this basis the argument that most slaves were content is
> legitimate. Even today you see groups of people who seem content, and without
> ambition, in circumstances that would not be acceptable perhaps to you or to
> me. It is because long ago they abandoned hope and began to "enjoy" their
> circumstances as best possible. Of course they pass no hope along to their
> children, and poverty, substance abuse, welfare abuse, etc. are also
> perpetuated.  A huge problem today is that oppulance is everywhere, especially
> on television. That makes contentment more difficult.... us economic slaves of
> today have a hard time minding our proper place.

--Ditto on the economic slaves.
Jim Norman

> Oh, and BTW, there was a time in recent history when the North offered the
> higher paying jobs but segregation and racism existed there as well.
> Jim
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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