-Caveat Lector-

Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Yes, it is true, the Brokaw book, The Greatest Generation is a tribute by
> the Ruling Elite to the hapless generation of dupes that spilt the blood and
> made the sacrifices to make many of the Ruling Elite's dreams come true.
> While it is true that this generation has exhibited an unshakable and
> deplorable fatalism, especially in the last few decades, (never has so many
> done so little with so much!) -- and yet, there is still something admirable
> in the discipline and self-sacrifice of this generation. If our generation
> (25-50 or so) could combine an equal discipline and spirit of self-sacrifice
> to the greatly increased critical thinking that is now extant -- we would
> have something. Jim Condit Jr.

I agree. My parents generation were certainly hard workers and put up
with a lot more then we would. Even at 73, my mother is still busy
helping others by running an english as a second language course at her
church and helping a woman on a regular basis who has lost her ability
to speak. And my father is still out helping record musicicians, design
sound systems and help people out in various ways. I have a lot of
respect for them. However, they really didn't and still don't have a
clue as to what is going on in the world. (Which may be a particial
explanation for their unquestioning enthusiasm for much which I find

What if our generation made the real sacrifices their did with our
greater understanding of the way the world works and was able to
actually change it?

Howard Davis

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