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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1000
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870


By Sherman H. Skolnick

Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

In order to understand what might well be the ultimate blackmail and treason
by the Clinton White House, a few little-known facts need to be understood:

Item: On July 17, 1993, ten or more top military and intelligence officers in
the regime of Saddam Hussein, having been massively bought and corrupted by
the American CIA, were set to commit the political assassination of the Iraqi
strongman.  Saddam's secret business partner on oil kick-backs, George Herbert
Walker Bush, leaned on Bush's CIA crony, Bill Clinton, to call off the "hit"
at the last minute.

Result: Clinton caused the murder of ten or more Iraqi officers exposed by
Bush/Clinton as plotters against Saddam.  A watered-down version of the story,
hinting at the duplicity of a high-level White House official, presumably
Clinton himself, did not run in the American press until November 1, 1993
(such as in the Chicago Tribune.)

Item: Using an elite team of super-secret agents in the Counter-Intelligence
Division, FBI Director William Sessions had been investigating possible
treason by both Bush and Clinton.  So on July 19, 1993, two days after Saddam
was saved from wipe-out, Sessions was sacked by Clinton on the flimsy excuse
that his wife benefited from a free plane ride traveling with her husband on
official business.

Item: The next day, July 20, 1993, was the strange death of Clinton White
House Deputy Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr. who had for several years previous
to being in the White House, was the long-traveling "bagman" for an
international money laundry in which Hillary Rodham Clinton and Webster
Hubbell participated.  Not always knowing why he was sent to drop off or
arrange what he was delivering, Foster conveyed massive funds and assets to
Saddam's half-brother in Geneva, Switzerland who vowed to expose Bush to
American charges of treason were Saddam murdered by the American CIA at the
behest of Bush/Clinton.

Item: The details of Bush's secret joint private business venture with Saddam
Hussein became known as a result of my exclusive interviews in the back of a
federal appeals court-room in May, 1991.  Heard by a three-judge federal
appeals panel was a case as to whether or not to release certain records of
the Chicago branch of Italy's largest bank, owned in part by the Vatican,
Banca Nazionale Delavoro.  The contents of the super-secret bank records
revealed to me in exclusive interviews after the court hearing, related to
Saddam Hussein having a secret private business partner in massive oil kick-
backs from the entire Persian Gulf area, namely Bush.

Item: During the 1980s, at the instigation of the Rockefellers and the oil
interests, Bush was among those shipping weapons into Iraq in their war with
Iran.  The purpose was to keep large oil supplies off the market, or to
destroy the same, to bolster the sagging price of crude.

Among the weaponry items were the apparatus and/or ingredients for poison gas
and chemical/biological warfare production reportedly from American LaFarge
Company, the US unit of a French firm.  Having a large financial stake in the
firm was Bush, and on the board of directors was Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Item: Iran has been getting weapons in various categories sold to them by ex-
Soviet and current Moscow-government military brass starved for funds.  The
military there in the former Soviet Union have not been paid regularly due to
the Moscow government being unable to collect taxes.

[For example: satellite imagery under the auspices of the super secret
National Reconnaissance Office show reportedly that a former Soviet submarine,
now owned by Iran and with an ex-Soviet mercenary crew, shot two air-burst
missiles that downed TWA Flight 800 off-shore New York.  In March, 1998, head
of the imagery program, Daniel Potter, was murdered.]

In the view of the Clinton White House, Iran has become a greater danger to
the Gulf Area, US, and the oil interests, than Iraq.  Result: in arrangements
that are clearly treasonous, Commander-in-Chief Clinton has quietly ordered US
arranged weapons to be shipped into Iraq.  To conceal this, Clinton, as
President, has ordered the drastic cut-back of the US/UN investigation of
Iraq's so-called "weapons of mass destruction".

A top US/UN investigator resigned in disgust, without, however, specifically
divulging Clinton's treachery.  All this had led to the most horrendous black-
mailing by various factions for and against Clinton, Gore, Jay Rockefeller
becoming the president without an election, and similar items.

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