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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870

Clinton's Money Laundry
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"
Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

His top level controllers and handlers have seen to it that nothing REALLY
BAD about William Rockefeller Clinton ever, so far, circulates in the
monopoly press. Why? For one thing, he does what the Establishment wants. He
follows order of what some call the Bourbons, the ultra-rich. They call the
shots. Further, some have reason to believe he is the illegitimate offspring
of the worldwide powerful Rockefeller family who like to own and operate what
some consider to be sizable, backward, small population states, such as
Arkansas and West Virginia. Others point to the cynical assessment that there
is not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrats and Republicans. So
if there is a vast money laundry implicating, among others, Bill Clinton, who
would dare tell you in the network news?

In Chicago, is a branch of a huge Canadian octopus, the Bank of Montreal,
owned by the whiskey-soaked Bronfman family. They are also big in movie
theater chains and the entertainment industry. Their branch in Chicago,
Harris Bank, has for some time been THE heavy weight in foreign currency
trading, handling and exchanging most every type of money instrument.

Several years ago Harris Bank merged with a known reputed money laundry,
Household Bank,, units of Household International, headquartered in the
Chicago-area.  Household is the successor and alter ego to Nugan Hand Bank
that operated in California, Australia, Manila, Saudi, London, and a few
other places. The General Counsel of Nugan Hand was William Colby, former
Director of Central Intelligence. Former Generals and Admirals, close to CIA,
operated Nugan Hand's worldwide offices. It was a CIA proprietary operation,
transferring clandestine funds, for "national security", for Southeast Asia
secret operations, including assassinations, such as the Phoenix Program,
murdering some 63,000 Viet Namese civilians who opposed the Saigon
government. Also disguised as something else were the skimming off of U.S.
weapons shipped to Viet Nam, some 20 per cent of which were stolen upon being
off-loaded.  Dope funds from the "Golden Triangle". Large U.S. military
gambling pools. The dark underside of the real financial world.  Nugan Hand
was "The House". Colby became the unlisted general counsel of Household,
Nugan Hand's alter ego. Amid a scandal starting with the assassination of one
of its founders in 1980, and the shredding of its financial records, Nugan
Hand disappeared. Rising from the espionage ashes, to continue the reputed
money laundering, was Household, which had previously been mostly a loan
shark operation, Household Finance Corporation.

Household, and Harris Bank, saved Bill and Hillary Clinton from being
prosecuted and jailed for the embezzlement of 47 million dollars from a
Little Rock-based Savings & Loan, run by their crony, Jim McDougal(he was
murdered in jail the night before he was to testify about the
misappropriation.) Quietly parked with Household had been 58.4 million
dollars of federal agency funds kept, pending the claims of a Chicago-area
caulking contractor, Joseph Andreuccetti, that several banks had swindled him
out of millions of dollars of properties and assets.

A Hillary Clinton family crony, John E. Gierum, supervised the ear-marked
funds while supposedly acting as attorney for Andreuccetti. While apparently
under Gierum's management, 50 million dollars of those funds were secretly
transferred to Little Rock, an attempt to prevent Bill and Hillary from being
prosecuted on federal criminal charges of bank embezzlement.  The 3 million
dollar difference, called "street tax" in mob jargon, ended up reportedly in
late 1991, in the hands of Rahm Emanuel.  It jump-started Clinton's campaign
for President and gave him a starting edge.  Rahm Emanuel, described as a
super-fixer, tied to the worldwide currency trading through Chicago and the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and Harris Bank and such, was rewarded in being
for several years Clinton White House Senior Advisor with a desk closest to
the Oval Office.

In its circuitous route, the 50 million dollars was secretly transferred
from Household, with the aid of Harris Bank, and through transactions
disguised as something else on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, to Arkansas.
Does anyone notice how often Bill Clinton comes to give unreported speeches
for his cronies on the "Merc" as it is called?

At about the time Harris Bank took over many of the units of Household Bank,
1996, the unlisted "general counsel" of Household, William Colby, was
assassinated, covered up, his friends say, as a supposed "boating accident".
Colby was about to make public statements about Nugan Hand, about Household,
and a few other entities which he began to realize were not really carrying
out a "national security" purpose but were a vast dirty money machine.

Major owners of Harris Bank were the Peter Fitzgerald family of Chicago.  He
was ahead by between 25 to 50 million dollars when Harris Bank became a unit
of Bank of Montreal.(His mandatory financial disclosure was reported in the
Washington Post, 6/12/99, page A-3). Fitzgerald also reportedly has a sizable
interest in one or more Mexican Banks, reportedly major dope money laundries,
including Grupo Financiero Bancomer which was reportedly involved in a
federal "sting" resulting in indictments May 19, 1998.
[] Bancomer with branches in New York and
Los Angeles reportedly operates through Harris Bank, by postal and wire
transmissions, in what is called tri-national cash management system of
Harris. The prosecutions were called "Operation Casablanca". The Chicago
Tribune, sensitive to bank scandals, played down Bancomer's problem. (Head of
Tribune Company for many years was board chairman of the Federal Reserve
District Bank in Chicago.]

BUT BILL CLINTON, called by critics a "closet Republican", SAW TO IT THAT
FITZGERALD HIMSELF, an owner of Bancomer, WAS GIVEN A PASS. Household
International, Harris Bank, and the Bronfmans are too big to touch. Clinton
knows that. When two U.S. Embassies were bombed in East Africa, the Clinton
White House said Osama bin Laden, a "major terrorist", orchestrated the
violence.  Bin Laden is reportedly worth several hundred million dollars from
a construction business in the Mid-East run by his family. BUT, guess who is
his reported business partner? Why, the family of SHARON PERCY ROCKEFELLER,
wife of U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller 4th of West Virginia (where else?]
Sharon is from the Percy family of Chicago, once big with Bell & Howell,
movie equipment manufacturers.  She is big boss with PBS, broadcast so-called
PUBLIC TV, that has, contrary to their charters, become just another
commercial media propaganda machine.

President Clinton said he would like to freeze the funds of bin Laden, but
cannot "find the money".  Oh yeah?  All that the Clinton Gestapo would have
to do is check on Fitzgerald's Harris Bank.  They reportedly have quite a
number of accounts of bin Laden big money jointly with that of the family of
Sharon Percy Rockefeller, more untouchables.

In 1998, just after the Mexican bank dope sting, Chicago and Los Angeles,
Peter Fitzgerald became the GOP nominee for U.S. Senator from Illinois.  Just
before the 1998 election, I went on October 15, with Andreuccetti and
confronted two top officials of Fitzgerald's Harris Bank unit downtown
Chicago, mentioning some of the details as in this story.  If their
headquarters on Monroe Street had windows that open out, the Harris brass
would surely have jumped out.  They claimed the records of the 50 million
dollar transfer to protect Clinton, had "disappeared".  I mentioned account
numbers. Computer glitch, they said, and no more can be looked at.  Really?
They were up the wall by my unannounced confrontation with them.

Now in the U.S. Senate, Peter Fitzgerald is a reported front for the Mexican,
U.S., and Canadian bank money laundry industry of which he has apparently
greatly benefited. Three of his brothers have been directors of Harris Bank's
suburban Chicago branches. Will the Federal Reserve stick Fitzgerald with the
Bancomer mess? The Fed has the power to revoke Bancomer's U.S. transactions
charter and prevent their branches from operating

Hey, who among the monopoly press are ready to finger sacred cows like Peter
Fitzgerald, Harris Bank, Household International, Chicago Mercantile
Exchange, the Bronfmans, and their gangs of reported criminals?
Notes:  In January, 1994, in the presence of his former client, Joseph
Andreuccetti, lawyer John E. Gierum of the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge [same
place Hillary is from] confessed to me that Bill and Hillary Clinton are
trying to frame Gierum for the mysterious transfer of the 50 million dollars
to Little Rock  to cover up the bank embezzlement. Also: Fitzgerald's 1998
Senatorial campaign strategist, Carl Rove, is now in the capacity of campaign
boss for George W. Bush for President.  Some claim Bush, and his father
George Herbert Walker Bush, and George W.'s brother Jeb, are all no strangers
to complicity with the Mexican banks in dope money laundering.  A sizable
publication in Spain contends that Jeb is tied with apparently known
gangsters in money laundering through a Madrid bank.

This is an on-going story. Stay tuned.

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