-Caveat Lector-

Easy. His lips are moving.

I've seen a lot of stupid shit come out of this Ninny Nazi, but
calling this particular ( or any ) Pope a Marxist racist is nuts.

Radical Truth in History. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Idaho. Ha ha ha ha ha.


Bill Kingsbury wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
>  -------- forwarded message --------
>  From: Campaign for Radical Truth in History <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                       T-H-E  H-O-F-F-M-A-N  W-I-R-E
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------
>  No. 118                                                Jan. 28, 1999
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                       Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
>        Published by the The Campaign for Radical Truth in History
>                           Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
>                        http://www.hoffman-info.com
>  ====================================================================
>                    The Hunchback of St. Peter's Square
>  The hunchback of St. Peter's Square has descended on America yet
>  again.  Pope John Paul II, prophet of the gospel of humanism and
>  purveyor of the politics of racial resentment -- like his pal
>  Robert Mugabe who oversees the murders of Rhodesia's white farmers
>  -- presumes to wave his papal finger at America's sins of "national
>  character."
>  Hearkening to 1857 and Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's decision in
>  Dred Scott vs. Sandford, the pope, while visiting St. Louis,
>  admonished us concerning those dark days when "people of African
>  descent" were placed "outside the boundaries of national community
>  and the Constitution's protection."
>  So this alleged upholder of Western values, this "conservative" who
>  is supposed to represent Western Civilization, this Great White
>  Father of the Vatican, spreads THE GOSPEL OF MARXIST RACE WAR, of
>  Hate Whitey and Blame Whitey.
>  John Paul seems to have forgotten that Justice Taney was a Roman
>  Catholic in good standing, that the Dred Scott decision was a legacy
>  of 2,500 years of classical western jurisprudence concerning slaves,
>  (a large share of whom from antiquity to British America, were
>  white) and that Pope Pius IX, whose shoes the current Polish Pontiff
>  is not fit to shine, sympathized with the Confederacy during the War
>  Between the States.
>  It was no crime for the strict constructionist Taney to fail to
>  break ranks with millennia of western legal tradition, or to argue,
>  correctly, that the Constitutional definition of a citizen did not
>  include Africans, since the Founders had not endeavored to concoct
>  an oxymoron and make citizens of slaves.  Taney's "sin" consists in
>  the fact that he would not betray the Constitution as the Founders
>  had written it.
>  Moreover, his decision owed at least as much to the fact of
>  servitude as to race.  ENSLAVED WHITES had also been denied
>  citizenship in the early days of the Republic.  America's initial
>  immigration laws specified that ONLY FREE WHITES were eligible for
>  citizenship.  On Jan. 29, 1795 Congress legislated that, "Any alien
>  being a free white person may be admitted to become a citizen of the
>  United States..."
>  Of course the fact that legions of poor whites in colonial America
>  had endured chattel slavery, back-breaking toil and grinding poverty
>  demolishes the myth of "white skin privilege" and the pope, being a
>  mythomaniac of the deepest dye, will not countenance a word of it.
>  How easy it is for John Paul, in league with his Communist cronies
>  Castro and Mugabe, to act the part of a politically correct Jeremiah
>  and make white people the focus of HATRED AND RESENTMENT.  But where
>  was our media super-star's finger of admonition when he was in the
>  presence of rabbis and Zionists?
>  When did he say, on the numerous occasions when he shared the
>  spotlight of  the world media with Jewish leaders, that "people of
>  Gentile descent" have been placed "outside the boundaries of
>  national community and the protection of the law " by the judicial
>  rulings of the Mishnah and Gemara, and of "the great sages" Moses
>  Maimonides and Shneur Zalman?
>  When did John Paul confront the chief rabbi and Jewish congregations
>  when he met them in Rome, with the Talmud's ruling that ONLY JEWISH
>  PERSONS ARE HUMAN, and with the bloody consequences of that ruling
>  for the peasants of Russia and Eastern Europe under the Jewish-
>  Bolshevik regime, and for the Palestinians under Israeli occupation?
>  Eleven years before Justice Taney wrote his landmark decision for
>  the U.S. Supreme Court, two shepherd children atop a mountain in
>  France had a daunting vision of a weeping lady.  The ethereal
>  Cassandra supposedly prophesied that "Rome would become the seat
>  of the Anti-Christ."
>  Smile as you will at the juvenilia embodied in what has come to be
>  known as the "Lady of LaSalette," but considering the present
>  pontificate of the malevolent hunchback, the children's tale of the
>  message of the mysterious oracle would seem to be hauntingly
>  prescient.
>                         Michael A. Hoffman II
>  Hoffman is the author of "They Were White and They Were Slaves: The
>  Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America."
>  The HOFFMAN WIRE is posted online at:
>  http://www.hoffman-info.com/wire.html
>  ====================================================================
>  The Campaign for Radical Truth in History is the Internet arm of
>  The Independent History and Research Company in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
>  The Campaign was established in 1996 to focus public attention on
>  the issues of fraud, censorship, filtered history and politicized
>  journalism.
>  Our long-term objective is the construction and operation in Idaho
>  of the world's first Museum of the Judeo-Communist Holocaust Against
>  Eastern Europeans and the Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians.
>  ====================================================================

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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