Patriots, Your Attention, please.
With our Constitution under insidious attack by the New DemocRats, Liberals, Left-Wingers, Socialists, and other forces whose goal is the deprivation of our Freedoms which our forefathers fought hard to create and maintain, I thought it timely to direct your attention to the following Site:
The Constitution Society!
Here you can digest the wonders of God's Gift to us.
Some say it's a dead document, but I wholeheartedly disagree.  One just has to take the time to visit those links of interest to refresh your memories of what we Americans are all about.  No other document in the World is so cherished by those who have the misfortune to live in a Country devastated over the years by the evil forces of Communism and Socialism.
I ask you to consider forwarding this post to your friends who are not subscribers to the respective lists I have selected above.
God Bless You All in this time of danger to the fundamental structure of our Society.
Peter AKA Bard

Constitution Society Home Page.url

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