-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Subject: Operation Garden Plot 2//FEMA//Alien Armageddon Centers!
From: "Art Wholeflaffer A. S. A. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 1999 01:27 EST
Message-id: <798q8o$td2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Operation: Garden Plot Two//FEMA

2) Operation Garden Plot 2-Elimination of UFO Researchers
3) FEMA control-command center--Praying Mantis to Run World
4) UFO Debunkers final fate: Work in Plutonium Mines


Dear Citizens:

Here is a post from a Patriot who was allowed to tour a FEMA control-
command center.


Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 12:22:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: A Friend //Subject: FEMA

    I was recently invited to tour a command center owned and
maintained by FEMA. What I saw both amazed and shocked me at the same
time.  The center was located under ground.  From the outside you
would never guess it was there.

  After descending by elevator about one hundred feet we stepped out
into a long hall that was secured by two heavily armed guards.  They
checked my guides credentials and gave me a good top to bottom search.
 My guide had to sign me in.

   The hall had doors on both sides, some led to sleeping quarters,
kitchen, showers, ordnance, ammo, and other such rooms.  I learned
that they can handle over two hundred staff twenty four hours a day
for six months with out ever coming out. This amazed me. You sure
couldn't tell it from the out side.

   I was then shown the command center.  This area shocked me.  I
could not believe what I was seeing.  This room was about 75 feet by
120 feet. It to was secured by armed guards both outside the door and
inside.  To my left was a bank of computer terminals, each one staffed
by personnel by a man or woman in blue uniforms.  They were busy.  To
the right and running the length of the wall was at least 25 cubicles
that contained a computer terminal and a red phone.  There were no
staff at these terminals.  I asked why and was told that they were for
emergency use only.  As I walked down the length of the wall I read
some listings as to what the computers and phone lines were connected

They had direct access to sheriff's departments, police
departments, and all law enforcement agencies in a three state area. I
asked more questions but my guide informed me that he could not reveal
certain information to me because it was classified.  He did tell me
that in the event that "The order was given" that all law enforcement
agencies from local to state and federal would be controlled from this

   The center was totally self contained. They had their own power
supply and enough weapons to fight a big war. I was not allowed inside
the weapons room but was told by my guide that I would not believe
what they had in there.  I would believe it to.

   A few days later I went back to the area to observe from the out
side.  I found their ventilation shack and a few other vital areas.  I
also observed hidden video cameras and what I took to be listening

  Back to the inside of the command center.  One of the computer
centers was receiving live video from cameras from several different
areas.  They could zoom in on an area several miles away and identify
small objects.

 More information later.
{{Art Wholeflaffer responds: You ain't seen nothing yet, Folks.  Remember our
nice friends at FEMA who have plans to put all UFO dissidents into Nazi-style
Concentration Camps.  Well, it already HAS HAPPENED, with the help
of our EXTRATERRESTRIAL Friends and FOES alike!!!--

You don't belive it you say; impossible you say, it can't happen here you say!
Well guess what, while you were watching the last episode of "Seinfools"
and  brain-dead Movies such as "Titanic" and "Indepedence Daze"-
-our Pentagon was spending $15 trillion Dollars to do away with
you and yours!  Vietnam, Panama, and Iraq were just tests, the real
War against the American Civilian Population has already started NOW!

IT HAS HAPPENED HERE--because you were lulled to sleep-
will you please WAKE UP this second and perhaps use these final
last days to save what we can of the human race and this Planet Earth!
Download this important paper and give it to 1000 people-that just may
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike?Schnieder) wrote on
Mon, 13 Jul 1998
More info on FEMA: go to http://www.sonic.net/sentinel/index.html and
hit the "government control" button.
Re: ALIEN ARMAGEDDON CENTERS (FEMA control-command center)

Peter Kazlouski <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

ALIEN ARMAGEDDON CENTERS (FEMA control-command center)

There are now an extimated 100 of these sites COMPLETED.  They are not
for YOU.  They are to CONTROL YOU (if you survive) or perhaps to make
sure that they survive and that you dont.

>From Ufomind Paranormal Research:

(NWO CAMPS: A List) Back by Pouplar demand = list of 300+
Concentration Camps:

*Opelika* WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.

Wilds* of Alaska possibly East of Anchorage. No access by road
however, there is a railway system. Facility holds 500,000 and will
be used for forced labor.

*Ft. Huachua, Arizona* 20 miles from the Mexican border, 30 miles
from Nogales. -Rex 84 program- Emergency Custodial Facility.
*Florence* WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
*Pinal County* -Gila River- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.
*Yuma County* -Colorado River- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.

*Ft. Chaffee* Has a new runway for aircraft, new detention camp
facilities with cap of 20,000 prisoners.
*Chicot/Drew Counties* -Jerome- Renovated spec Interment camps
for Japanese Americans WWII.
*Descha County* -Rohwer- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention centers.
*Blythville AFB* This base was closed but is now being used as a
camp location. New wooden barracks have been constructed at
this location. This camp is surrounded by high wire topped with
barbed wire, and has guard towers.
*Berryville * FEMA facility located east of Eureaka on hwy 62. Mark
Korneke claims that it is located near Tyson's property.
*Omaha * FEMA facility located on Hwy 65 south of old wood
processing plant. It is on an old dirt road that leads to a toxic
waste dump. Note: The facility in Ms. is also located on an old
toxic waste dump.

*Trinidad* WWII German/Italian POW camp now being renovated.
*Prowers County* -Granada- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.

*Oakdale Ca* 90 miles East of San Francisco on HWY 120. Holds
a minimum of 15,000 people -REX 84- program Emergence
Custodial Facility.
*Vandenberg AFB* Located midway between San Louis Obispo, and
Santa Barbara. The base is on HWY 1 and close to WHY 101. REX
84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
*Ft.Irwin* Irwin is a remote Mtn region south of Death Valley,
National Monument. This base is designated as inactive however,
there is a concentration camp located at this facility about 30
miles from Interstate 15 in Barstow.
*Inyo County* - Manzanar- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention center.
*Modoc County* -Tulelake- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.
*Sacramento Army Depot* No specific data at this time.

*Avon Park* -- No data available -
*Camp Krome* Located near Miami Dept of Justice detention and
interrogation facility.
*Elgin AFB* This base is greater than 50 miles long extending
from Pensacola Bay to HWY 331 in De Funiak Springs. It is adjacent
to Interstate 10 on the North and the Fort Walton Beach vacation spot.
REX 84 program, Emergency Custodial Facility.

*Ft. Benning* Located East of Columbia near the Georgia/Alabama
state line. -REX 84 program- Emergency Custodial Facility. Prisoners
from all over the U.S. may be brought in via Lawson Army airfield.
Unadilla,Ga Macon County; Located on east railroad street, Plunket
road leads into the facility 1 1/2 miles from Unadilla on county road
230. This is a FEMA prison manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Oglethorpe, Ga. Macon County; facility is located five miles from
Montezuma, three miles from Oglethorp. Traveling south on highway
49, located on the west side of the highway. This FEMA prison has
no staff and no prisoners.
Morgan, Ga. Calhoun County; I-75 exit 32 to 300 south to Albany. Take
highway 234 to Morgan. Go through Morgan taking highway 45 south.
The FEMA facility is 1 1/2 miles on the right (west) side of highway
45. This FEMA facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Camilla, Ga. Mitchell County; from Camilla take highway 19 south,
travel 5.4 miles from 37/19 junction to Mount Zion Road, turn left
(east) on Mount Zion Road. The FEMA facility is located on Mount
Zion Road aprox: 5.7 miles south of Camilla. This facility is not
manned or staffed and their are no priosoners.
Hawkinsville, Ga Pulaski County; located on fire road 100/ Upper
River Road, 2 miles west from alternate 129 North 257 / 112 east.
Five miles east of Hawkensville. This FEMA facility is fully
manned and staffed but no prisoners.
Abbeyville, Ga. Wilcox County: south side of Abbeyvilleon highway
129 (Broad Street) off highway 280 (Main Street). This FEMA facility
is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.
McRae, Ga. Telfair County; 1.5 miles west of McRae on highway 134
(8th street). The FEMA facility is on Irwinton Ave. off 8th street.
This facility is fully manned and staffed but no prisoners.

153.7400 Georgia State Correctional Institutions
154.9050 Intrastate Coordinating (car to car state wide)
154.9350 Intrastate Coordinating (base to base / state wide)
155.3700 Georgia Police Intersystem (State wide)

*Jerome County* -Minipoka- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.
*Kooski* PLUS 50 miles East... Near Lolo pass * moose Creek
Unmanned and their is a near by landing strip in or near a
national forest.

*Marseilles* It is located on the Illinois river off Interstate 80 on
HWY 6. It is a relatively small facility with a cap of 1400 prisoners.
Though it is small it is designed like other concentration camp
facilities with high fences topped with barbed wire and guard
towers. Being located on the Illinois River it is possible that
prisoners will be brought in by water, air and ground. Note: This
facility is relatively close to Chicago, Illinois.

*Thousands of acres* located just out of Indianapolis, Indiana holds
a large Concentration camp facility complete with barracks, high
fence, razor wire, towers, turnstyles, a railroad, helicopter landing
pads, and what appears to be three large furnaces with 3inch mains
on one of the buildings. This is a massive facility, still under
construction with a completition date sometime in 1996.
*Ft. Benjamin Harrison* A U.S. Army facility located on the outskirts
of Indianapolis will be used to hold prisoners of the NWO.
*Ft. Wayne * FEMA Detention facility
*Terre Haute* FEMA Detention facility

*Leavenworth* U.S. Marshal's Fed Holding Facility PFP.
*Concordia* WWII POW German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
*El Dorado* Federal prison to be converted to U.N. forced labor
*Topeka* 80 acres converted to a holding camp for anti-New World
Order prisoners.

*Louisville* FEMA Detention facility *Lexington * FEMA Detention

*Livingston* WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.

*Houlton* WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.

*Richards Gebaur AFB* This facility is located in Grandview,
Missouri. A large civilian internment facility has been built on
this facility, and base personnel are restricted from the area.

*Bay City* Sits on Saginaw Bay which connects to Lake Huron.
Prisoners may be brought in by ship from either the United States
and Canada. This facility has high fencing, barbed wire and guard
*Southwest area of the state* FEMA Detention facility
*Central part of the state* FEMA Detention facility
*Detroit * FEMA Detention facility

*Hancock County* - The NASA facility at this location has two camps
the first being located at the end of Kiln road at Waveland, and then
the next road after ammo road at the Post Office. The second camp
is located in the center of a rest station back from the Interstate.
Inmates from the Hancock County jail claim they have worked details
involving the delivery of food to these camps under the supervision of
U.N. Guards. One individual claims that one of these camps is full of
Europeans, Men, Women and children all within the same compound.
He said that the U.N. Guards stationed there were severely beating
the prisoners who appeared to be involved in forced labor. Though
it is impossible to verify this information at this time I did hear a
recorded interview with this inmate, and he sounded very sincere.

*Scottsbluff* WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
*Northwest corner of state * FEMA Detention facility
*Northeastcorner of state * FEMA Detention facility
*South Central Hastings area* FEMA Detention facility

*Elco * There is a prison facility 10 miles out of Elco.
*Wells * Camp is located in the O'Niel basin area, 40 miles North
of Wells, and West off HWY 93, 25 miles.
*Winnemucca* Camp is located at the I-80 mile marker 112, on the
south side of the road and 3/4 miles off of the road.
*Wells/Winnemucca* Camp is lcated near the base line of the
mountains. Reno Nevada PLUS 150 miles east south side of road if
your headed west, 150 yards off the road.

New York:
*Ft. Drum* located in upstate New York, probable location for Eastern
area processing of people, located newr the St. Lawrence river and
access to Lake Ontario. Both waterways may be used for transport.
Located very close to Canada.
*Watertown* FEMA Detention facility
*Albany * FEMA Detention facility
*Buffalo * FEMA Detention facility

*Cleveland * FEMA Detention facility
*Columbus * FEMA Detention facility
*Cincinnati* FEMA Detention facility
*Lima * FEMA Detention facility

*Oklahoma City* Tinker AFB, This is a civilian detention facility,
all base personnel are prohibited from going near the area, and
the area is under constant guard.
*McAlester* WWII German/Italian POW camp being renovated.
*Will Rogers Air Port* This is a newly constructed FEMA facility,
and it is believed that it will be used as a primary processing
center for prisoners West of the Mississippi River.

*Indiantown Gap Military Reservation* Located North of Harrisburg,
Pa. Used for WWII POW camp and renovated by Pres. Jimmy Carter.
Was used to hold Cubans during Mariel boat lift.
*Camp Hill* Camp Hill Pa located off I-15. Sits across the navigable
Susquehanna River from Harrisburg. Close to Cumberland Army
Depot and the Camp Hill Correctional facility.

*Crossville* WWII German/Italian POW Camp being renovated.

*Ft. Hood* Ft. Hood has a newly built concentration camp,
constructed complete with towers, high fencing, and barbed wire.
*Mexia* WWII German/ Italian POW camp being renovated.
*Amarillo* FEMA Detention facility
*Princeton* WWII POW camp being renovated north side of
Denton Highway.

*Millard County* -Central Utah- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facility.
*Skull Valley* Camp William property - west of the old bombing
range South/southwestern portion of Camp Williams. This camp
was discovered by a man and his son who were rabbit hunting,
they were discovered and apprehended.
*Utah Lake* 15 miles south of Saratoga Recreation center 200 -
300 yards off the road Black wire 40 to 50 feet tall, made to look
something like a golf driving range
*Cedar City* East of Cedar City Utah - no more data -

*Okanogan County* Borders Canada and is a site for a massive
concentration camp capable of holding hundreds of thousands of
people who will be used for slave labor. This is probably one of
the locations that will be used to hold hard core patriots who will
be held captive for the rest of their lives.

*Ft.McCoy* Located in Western Wisconsin 30 miles East of
LaCrosse between the point where 90 and 94 intersect. REX 84
program, Emergency Custodial Facility.
*Central part of the state* FEMA Detention facility.

*Park County* -Hart Mountain- Renovated WWII Japanese-American
special internment detention facilities.
*North Central part of the state* FEMA Detention facility
*Southeast part of the state * FEMA Detention facility *
Southwest part of the state * FEMA Detention facility
East Yellowstone - Manned facility. Investigators were apprehended
by European soldiers , unable to identify the language used by the
foreign soldiers, American government helped clear the situation.
Art Wholeflaffer responds:

Good work Pete and Blue.  My connections, such as National In-Security Agency
sp00ks Lou Manetti and Dean "Team " Adams (back from the plutonium
mines), and other Big Shots, such as Borsch-Belt and Cadwell, have verified
that these camps have already been used to eliminate UFO researchers,
families and Friends.  The ETs have even used their fiendish
TIME MACHINES to make sure that the take-over is complete!!!
The Pentagons SDI weapons were useless against such a crafty opponent!

Apparently, UFO Researchers are considered a THREAT to National
(read: Corporate) Security, and must be expunged off the face of
the Earth.   This was the final conclusion by the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and the CEOs of Lockheed-Northrup, Westinghouse, Boeing
General Electric, General Mills, General Motors, Intel, Coke, Pepsi.
ADM, Monsanto, and Micro-Squish!!

Sadly, the human group that is in control have made deals
with the Praying-Mantis types, the Reptoids and the
Pleiadeans.  But the joke is on them because aliens NEVER
keep their word and have just about completed their
cross-hybridization program.  Debunkers are excluded!!

The ET races subsequently plan to eliminate this Control Group
when they have completed their job.  This will leave a power
base with the Praying-Mantis on top and the Reptoids Second-
-In-Command.  The fight for Planet Earth appears to be over.
Only the slave-race humans will live, if you call that living!!

The humans that survive will toil in the plutonium
mines with Dean "Team " Adams as Commandant!
What a cruel but paradoxical irony for those "Party-
Members" who were known as UFO Debunkers.
May their souls rot in hell!!

It is probably already too late to stop this,
so the Truth can and must finally be exposed.
You will submit, you have no choice!!
Sorry- it has to be this way;  Thanks for nothing sp00ks!
US Martial Law Coming?    Cohen Predicts Army Will Patrol Streets
US Defense Secretary Predicts the Army Will Patrol US Streets

"Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans soon may have to choose
civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection," says Defense
Secretary William
S. Cohen

The nation's defense chief told the Army Times he once considered the chilling
of armored vehicles surrounding civilian hotels or government buildings to
block out
terrorists as strictly an overseas phenomenon.   But no longer.

"It could happen here," Cohen said he concluded after 8 months of studying
under the Pentagon microscope. Free-lance terrorists with access to deadly
and biological bombs are "going to change the way in which the American people
security in our own country," he predicted in a Sept 10 interview.

[Could UFO Researchers be called "Truth Terrorists" under some kind of

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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