-----Original Message-----
From: Peter L. Sroufe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, February 19, 1999 4:46 PM
Subject: The Shadow Governement

You sent Two Parts.  How many Parts are there??
This Nation is a mess because the ignorant people weren't paying attention to the insidious takeover by the Marxist Socialists;  now we have a sociopathic predatory rapist in our WH who gets his kicks by pushing cigars up the vagina of sluts and tastes the cigar.  Where'd we go wrong dude??
Those socialist bastards and bitches in the educational establishment dumbed down our kids on purpose.
The DemocRats and the Repub have the election process locked up so not weakened their hold on us;  we're their slaves and they sit back and enjoy the fruits of our enslavement.  The Debt will never be reduced because they are sucking our blood for the interest;  when is the ignorant populace going to wise up??
I don't see any peaceful means to undo the situation!
Visit my HomePage:  http://www.xld.com/public/center/center.htm
We're in serious shit.  Not only is the Prez a pervert, the AG is closet Lesbian drunkard.  Burns me that that Bitch murdered all those innocent Branch Davidians.
You notice how many of the DemocRats on the House Judiciary Committee are members of the Democratic Socialist Associaton?
Not suppose to get too riled up.  My cardiologist told me not to raise my blood pressure.  LOL
I'm not anti-government!
I'm anti-corrupt government!
NEVER FORGET the Waco Massacre of April, 1993!
Federal Government defined:
 "....a benefit/subsidy protection racket....!"


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