-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> >From: Steve Rendall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subject: RE: Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily and Y2K
> >Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 11:59:22 -0500
> >
> >I don't have a lot of time to spend on this but
> here's just a few things
> >about Joe Farah:
> >
> >** Farah currently runs the Western Journalism
> Center (WJC) a far-right
> >Scaife funded group near Sacramento CA. They
> promote conspiracy theories
> >like the well-known Vince-Foster-&-Ron-
> Brown-were-murdered scenarios. His
> >"news" service is also concerned with such
> unlikely theories. His closest
> >associate is Chris Ruddy, a reporter whose wildly
> inaccurate work got him
> >canned from the Murdoch-owned New York Post. Let
> me tell you, it's *hard*
> >to get fired from the NY Post for inaccuracy!
> >
> >** He ran the Sacramento Union daily into the
> ground about a decade ago. He
> >ran the paper with an iron fist, banning words
> such as "assault rifle"
> >"pro-choice" etc. In other words, he imposed a
> *right-wing* politically
> >correct regime. The old, staid Union went under
> not long after he took
> >over. The Columbia Journalism Review published an
> expose years ago by a
> >reporter who had worked under the Farah regime.
> >
> >** Farah is the ghost writer behind Rush
> Limbaugh's second book. See, I
> >told You So. It's really amusing because in the
> middle of that book
> >"Limbaugh" muses about how the left is following
> Italian Marxist Antonio
> >Gramsci's advice to carry out a "march" through
> the cultural institutions.
> >I know a little bit about Limbaugh (I co-wrote
> "The Way Things Aren't: Rush
> >Limbaugh's Reign of Error, The New Press, 1995),
> my guess is Rush had
> >probably never heard of Gramsci until he read
> about him in "his" book
> >proofs.
> >
> >There's more on Farah, sorry I don't have more
> time.
> >
> >Sincerely, Steven Rendall Senior Analyst FAIR
> Wow. I have always kinda liked Joe Farah for his
> ability to get formented at the
> latest Statist Outrage. Looks like you really blew
> him out of the water though.
> Imagine... rumors that he contributed to a Rush
> Limbaugh book!
> Guess that completely discredits his Statist Muck
> Raking!
> Thank God for F.A.I.R. (For Authoritarian Inane
> Reporting).
> B.T.W., since F.A.I.R. employs "senior analysts",
> wonder what a "Junior Analyst" does?
> Ferret out "secret" contributors to Rush Limbaugh
> books?
> flw

What are you so pissed off about? Wasn't that good info about
Farah? Did you know all that about Farah? I didn't.

I know it's hard to be a Libertarian in the real world, but
lighten up anyway.


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