-Caveat Lector-

It's back in print for a lot less than $300 at Amazon.com  . Gavin.

The Naked Capitalist
by W. Cleon Skousen

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List Price: $28.95
Our Price: $26.06
You Save: $2.89 (10%)
Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.
Holiday Note: Use any shipping method for
delivery by Dec. 24. (US addresses)
Library Binding (December 1998)
Lightyear Pr; ISBN: 0899683231 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.62 x 5.68 x 8.80
Amazon.com Sales Rank: 65,255

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The publisher, National Center for Constitutional Studies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] , October 25, 1998
The Naked Capitalist is back in print!
The Naked Capitalist is a review and commentary on Dr. Carroll
Quigley's book "TRAGEDY AND HOPE". Carroll Quigley said of
"TRAGEDY AND HOPE", "a book which has brough[t] me many
headaches, as it apparently says something which powerful people do not
want known." New York Times-Friday, July 17, 1992--"Carroll Quigley,
the history professor whom Mr. Clinton credits with helping to form his
political outlook...." Dr. W.Cleon Skousen writes, "When Dr. Quigley
decided to write his 1,300 page book called Tragedy And Hope, he
knew he was deliberately exposing one of the best kept secrets in the
world. As one of the elite 'insiders,' he knew the scope of this power
complex and he knew that its leaders hope to eventually attain total global

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