-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated Thu, 11 Mar 1999 23:11:25 -0800,
Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>called the Integrity Research Institute has announced the First Internatio-
>nal Conference on Free Energy (CoFE), April 29-30.  IRI markets books and
>videos with such titles as The Race to Zero Point Energy, Anti-Gravity: The
>Dream Made Reality, and Holistic Physics and Consciousness. It is headed by
>a US Patent Examiner named Tom Valone, who has been recruiting other open-
>minded people to become Patent Examiners (WN 20 Nov 98).  The speakers list
>for CoFE is certainly open minded; topics include: assisted nuclear reac-
>tions (a.k.a. cold fusion), sonoluminesence (a.k.a. cold fusion), hydrogen
>technologies (a.k.a. cold fusion), tabletop nuclear transformations (a.k.a.
>cold fusion), as well as zero point energy generation, negative resistance
>and... well, you get the idea.  Where would you hold such a uh, um open-min-
>ded conference?  The notice says CoFE will be "under the auspices of the
>U.S. State Department in the Dean Acheson Auditorium."  Like, duh...
>: Is free energy for humans doomed? Why do only Reptilioids and Grays get
>free energy? Do you have anti-gravity or cold fusion working yet? Why not?
>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I have objectively investigated claims of so-called "free energy devices"
for a number of years (despite the good natured rebuffs of some of my
physicist friends; I can see the laughter in their eyes, as if I were a child
speaking of Santa to an adult; perhaps I am) I have poured over many
patents, devoured many books on the subject, and have actually built the
devices that are possible to build and fall within my budget and engineering 

My conclusion thus far is that no one need worry about the government
trying to cover up any of these devices, for they do not work. It may be a
remote possibility that all the information that is available to a private
citizen is already known to be useless by the government, but do they
hide the very useful, secret devices for their own use? Not likely, unless
they really have stolen or found some alien technology which can somehow
transcend the known laws of physics (which is, in my opinion, just another
scary bedtime story; if they have amazing technology, it was designed
and built right here on this planet).


In my tests, I have found four basic reasons why "free energy devices"
do not work :

1)     Some contain completely theoretical "black box" components that no
one can actually construct.

2)     Some produce effects well within the limits of known physics, but for
some reason, these effects have been misunderstood and /or
misinterpreted by the authors (i.e., they produce voltage--common static 
electricity---which does not  contain enough amperage to actually DO
anything except shock someone on the ear; as for running your home's
electrical system, forget it).

3)     Some use known technology to produce known effects [i.e., Hans
Coler's "Stromerzeuger" (circa 1925) which could "create many times the
input" of a small amount of electricity; on further investigation, this turned
out to be a simple transformer, perhaps amazing in 1925, but very basic
electronics today; obviously the authors didn't know basic electronics;
I discovered the truth in about 10 minutes of research).

4)     They are fakes (i.e., Keely's "sympathetic vibration" devices which
were said to do everything from curing disease to producing almost
limitless free energy; however, my jury is still out on his "hydro-vacuo
motor," which supposedly uses the cavitation of water--the formation of
vacuums in a fluid-- to propel a simple flywheel motor) .

According to the evidence I have amassed thus far, we won't be
transcending the laws of known physics anytime soon, despite what
many proponents of "free energy" say. But, like a child at Christmas
time, I'm still looking up and listening for the "sleigh bells" of free

Verify the lie,

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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