-Caveat Lector-

from alt.mindcontrol
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39613">Martin Cannon Declares MC
Victims "Crazy"</A>
Subject: Martin Cannon Declares MC Victims "Crazy"
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 1999 1:30 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Note: The correspondence below came after Martin Cannon
declared to a network of political researchers that Claudia Mullens,
a victim of illicit CIA mind control experimentation in the 1960s, was
"crazy" and a "liar." He claims on the Net (see the "Visitations"
web site) that victims of EM assault are also "crazy," that they
have read is unpublished ms., "The Controllers," and, being highly
impressionable "loons," got it into their heads somehow that they
are also victims. Sure, sure.
      Claudia risked her own life and welfare to testify before the
President's Advisory Committee on Radiation Testing in April, 1995.
Martin Cannon claimed that she was "crazy" because, he wrote,
Claudia said she'd overheard CIA scientists discussing "terminal
experiments," and he had searched CIA documents and "could not
find the prase 'terminal experiments' used before the mid-'70s."
Tenuous reasoning for declaring someone "crazy," particularly since
she was relating a conversation she'd heard and not citing documents,
and the letter below raises serious questions about who, exactly, is not
playing with a full deck.
     This letter is from a friend of Martin Cannon's, who also complained to
me of his sickening behavior after reading his vicious attack on Claudia
Mullens. I received it in June, 1996. My response follows:

From: KK


Based on Martin's behavior towards me this past weekend at the UFO EXPO
West conference, I am going to need to agree with you in part about
Martin. I don't feel like name calling. However, I am very disappointed in
his behavior. Even Whitley Strieber felt the need to apologize to me for
Martin's behavior.

His tirade, based on the advice he asked me to give him, was deemed by him
incorrect; then the basis for the tirade shifted to another issue, then to
other (I could not keep up with his reasons as the nature of them
changed). The tirade then went on for at least three days via a public
dressing down in the middle of a group of people (whereupon one of the
individuals felt the need to explain Martin's behavior), note left on my
windshield, a telephone call left on my answering machine, and several
e-mails (which started out as apologies and ended up re-explaing my
behavior to me). I finally got him to make a call on the future outcome of
our professional relationship. He decided to cut off communications with
me. At this point, I have mixed feelings about this, but do feel a

Just to clear up some questions I have, addressed in your e-mail, would
you please answer the following questions:

1) Are you saying that Martin is not under contract to write a second
updated version of "The Controllers." Because one of the issues he brought
up (in one of the recent e-mails) regarded my introducing him as the
author of that book, and stating that he was writing an update. He has no
contract with Feral House or anyone else?

2) Has he in fact done physical violence? Do you have supporting facts,
not just someone's comments?

Alex, during a hotel lobby conversation, after Martin brought up the
"umbrella" matter, someone pointed out to him that this was a common
phrase and asked for other evidence that Claudia was lying. He shuffled
around in his chair (I focus on behavior, not words). However, I don't
think he had anymore to say, and just restated his position and agreed
with the individual.

I have watched Martin over a period of two months pick a fight with each
and every one (except Mike Coyle, but Martin claimed he had a
"mis-communication" with Mike), I knew it was just a matter of time before
he got to me.

Well, the other shoe has dropped and there will be no more communication
with Martin Cannon by me. Too bad.


REPLY FROM: Kasten, Kathy
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Subject: Fwd: Undoubtedly creating a Sh*t-storm

Forwarded message:
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 96-06-09 15:52:58 EDT

>From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine) Subject:Re: Undoubtedly
creating a Sh*t-storm


>Claudia's story has been examined in detail by Martin. Now, let's examine
Martin's own criteria for establishing the truth of the matter, some of
his own statements and emotional problems, to understand how this impasse
came about. If I seem hard on Martin, bear in mind that I am only applying
his own criteria to his own statements, doing nothing he has not done to
victims and survivors with a sadistic relish.
>I have seen Martin swing from one vindictive episode to the next.
Regarding Tom Davis and Adam Parfrey, he has said that he wanted to hit
them in the head "with a hammer." Why? Tom gave him employment that Martin
needed. Adam advanced him $3,500 after Martin promised to deliver his book
on time, yet Martin not only stiffed his publisher, that is, lied, but
blamed Adam for being so stupid as to trust him. Martin's definition of "a
liar" is someone who tells a single lie. This is the criteria he applies
to Claudia, and though he cannot establish she lied about a single thing,
only surmises, he accuses her of being disingenuous. All right, then
Martin is a liar by his own definition, because he repeatedly lied to Adam
about finishing his book when promised. A year after it was due, Martin
still has not finished the book. But he was happy to take the money under
false pretenses. Adam's distributors were extremely angry about all of
this. Adam was forced to cancel the book, yet Martin tells friends that
his book will be published by Feral House. The only problem with this is
that Adam is unaware of this fact.
>Martin is a liar, then, by his definition. This is what he says of
subjects he believes lie to him on one occasion, so it is also true of
him. Martin, the liar, cannot hold a job for very long. Why? Because he
eventually blows up at whoever helps him and threatens physicial violence.
So Martin, to judge him the way he judges others, is not only a liar, but
emotionally unstable.
>And he's not even a subject.
>Martin, the emotionally unstable liar (this is how he talks about
Claudia, so it is faiir to reverse the rhetoric), has placed himself in
the postion of expert on mind control. One of his objections to Claudia is
that she used the prase "terminal experimentation," a phrase Martin
insists has never been used until John Marks employed it in his mind
control screed. Martin doesn't really know this for a fact, he just claims
this is so. Therefore, Claudia must be lying. With this argument, Martin
demonstrates he is incapable of rational thought. Anyone can combine the
two ideas, teminal and experiment. If Claudia reports she heard the
phrase, Martin cannot reasonably argue. He claims "no one used that phrase
until Marks." As though it must be CIA jargon, an obscure code or
something that never has been uttered until Marks. Anyone can discern here
a very tenuous argument and I won't even belabor why it is a tenuous
argument. It is lame.
>Yet this is an argument Martin, the emotionally unstable liar, actually
levels at Claudia.
>His major objection is that in her testimony, Claudia mentioned "Project
umbrella." At least this is how she interpreted it. Martin claims this is
a bowlderization of his own work, that she must have read the phrase, not
heard it first-hand. But Claudia does not know exactly how it was used.
She may have heard someone in her horrific past speak of an "umbrella
project," or perhaps someone made reference to "a project umbrella." There
is inaequate information here to accuse anyone, but Martin jumps to
conclusions and rails on with no concern for Claudia's feelings.
>The worst thing one can do to a legitimate victim is accuse the victim of
lying. After torture, a subject needs support, needs to be believed. It is
devastating to be told one is lying about the anguish one has gone
through, only to hear one is not telling the truth. The FMSF uses this
strategy to enrage the victims. Martin uses it because he is nuts.
>Martin, the liar, when I once confronted him on slighting me repeatedly,
accused me of lying about being a victim of EM harassment. That is,
instead of addressing my complaint about his tendency to slight me, used
the cheapest shot of all to conclude the argument. He accused me of lying.
I have numerous witnesses who will testify on the witness stand that my
head has been so magnetized it repelled magnets. Yet Martin claimed I was
lying. I am not. He cannot even discern an obvious case, yet he has placed
himself in the position of judge and jury.
>Martin does not undertand mind control. This much is established by the
above. He cannot understand an obvious case of EM harassment, yet we are
supposed to take his word concerning Claudia. Martin carries on as though
writing The Controllers has consumed him body and soul. Excuse me? The
book has been in the works for eight years or longer, progressing at a
very liesurely pace. He has not done that much work, paid his dues, as I
and others have. When I sent him to Catherine Gould, who has a wealth of
information, Martin acted condescendingly, did not learn one thing from
her. He is, in the common parlance, a "know-it-all." As someone who does
know mind control, having lived under sadistic shimsy of "the controllers"
for seven years, I can safely say Martin doesn't know what he's talking
>These are just a few of my objections with the source of the turmoil. I
will, if challenged, provide much more evidence to prove that Martin is
simply behaving like an unbalanced child who demands respect from people
who know better.
>BTW, I was not "dragged" into the "debate" by Claudia. I asked her to
give Martin enough background to satisfy his concerns. Again, he is wrong.
My advice to martin is to know what he is talking about before he attacks
people suffering post-traumatic syndrome, or I will see to it that this
episode returns to haunt him time and again.
>- Alex

<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39635">Dan, Dan the ACID man</A>
Subject: Dan, Dan the ACID man
From: John M Price PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, Mar 12, 1999 4:10 PM
Message-id: <36ea8dfd.0@calwebnnrp>

More stuff on Dan Rightmyer - the kook known as pen nemae Alex Constantine

[ This is a repost of the following article:                               ]
[ From: "MC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        ]
[ Subject: Dan, Dan the ACID man                                           ]
[ Newsgroups: sci.psychology.psychotherapy                                 ]
[ Message-ID: <7cdhte$l4p$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                    ]

I've responded adequately to Dan Rightmyer and his silly billy pal Brian in
another recent thread. But there is something else you good folks really
ought to know about Dan "Alex ConstantWhine" Rightmyer.

(Sung to the tune of the "Beverly Hillbillies" theme...)

Come and listen to my story 'bout a nut named Dan
Hears voices in his head he says are from "The Man."
He says "They filled my noggin full of electronic bugs!"
But he doesn't let you know that he's done a lot of DRUGS.
(ACID, that is. LSD. "Hundreds of trips.")

"Hundreds of acid trips" is the admission Dan made to his former best
friend, S.M. Any reasonable person who wants the full story should feel free
to write me or call me. I'll tell ya how to talk to this former best friend
for yourself -- you'll hear all sorts of outrageous, hilarious stories about
Dan's history of massive drug abuse, as well his insane behavior.

(Here's a sample: Once, one of Dan's inner "tormentors" identified himself
by name. Dan found that a gentleman of this name was listed in the phone
book. Dan, who owned a firearm, thretened to go to the house of this
obviously-innocent party and shoot him!)
Subject: Re: Dan, Dan the ACID man
From: Dan Coyote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Mar 15, 1999 2:48 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear John,

Please put me on your "nutty" list.
If your are too ignorant to realise that psychotronics does exist, I suggest
you look for another forum. Why come here to whinge or throw peanuts at the

I have not followed the spat between you and Alex. Quite frankly it bored me
tears, but I am getting the impression you have come to this forum just to

If this is true, please piss orf to another ng......
If I have misunderstood the situation, please enlighten me.

Dan Coyote...
Subject: Dan the ETHICAL MAN
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jennifer Longley)
Date: Mon, Mar 15, 1999 7:33 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dan wrote:
     Jenn wrote:

Dear Dr. Price,
Please put me on your "nutty" list.

     Me too, me too.  I wanna be on the "nutty" list and I am working
hard to reach that coveted status.

If your are too ignorant to realise that psychotronics does exist, I
suggest you look for another forum. Why come here to whinge or throw
peanuts at the monkeys?

     Well Dan, you know what you say about wombats and how you can lead
them to water but you can't make them drink.  This guy John is the
ultimate non-thinker.  He is able to ignore completely anything that
goes against his pedophilic desires and looks for support anywhere he
can find it to make it seem acceptable.

I have not followed the spat between you and Alex. Quite frankly it
bored me to tears,

     Dan, have some coffee anything you need because this is a hard one
to keep conscious while reading about.  In fact, I think I will go do
that myself, before trying to embark on an explanation.  This is really
tough.   Ok, coffee is brewing.  Dan aka Alex dislikes (a fairly mild
term in Alex's case) people who take advantage of children, he merely
spoke his mind on the issue about some of the people who have documented
evidence that they do this sort of behavior.  Apparently, this got to
Dr. Price so much, he called in an ex-aquaintance, never really a
friend, of Alex's  to smear his name with some very unkind remarks.  I
am amazed the lengths people will go to, before they will admit they
have a problem that really harms innocents.  Still conscious?   Do not
go into the NG spp and call the Dr. Price or Aquino on anything or your
name will be dragged through the mud.

but I am getting the impression you have come to this forum just to shit

     You are very insightful, and got that one right on the mark, he is
just a stirrin' like a little witch with her stew.

If this is true, please piss orf to another ng......

     That would be great Dan, if only he would just piss orf.

If I have misunderstood the situation, please enlighten me.

     I tried to enlighten you, but now I think I am falling asleep.
Sorry, this does get tiresome dealing with these folks.  Just imagine
how Alex must feel.

Note for Dr. Price:  PLEASE, PLEASE put me on your "kook" list, I really
wanna go there.


Subject: Re: Dan, Dan the ACID man
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 2:55 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <36ea8dfd.0@calwebnnrp>, John M Price PhD

More stuff on Dan Rightmyer - the kook known as pen nemae Alex Constantine

     Any legitimate resarcher of ritual abuse is a "kook" in your book.
     But I do not touch LSD, as you do on a regular basis, John. This is a
shining example of the pot calling the kettle black. Your "stuff" on me is
a ridiculous pack of lies, and you
spoon it out in defense of satanist Michael Aquino, your high priest.
'Nuff said.

‹ Alex Constantine
Subject: Re: Dan, Dan the ACID man
From: John M Price PhD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Mar 17, 1999 1:06 AM
Message-id: <36f0519c.0@calwebnnrp>

In alt.mindcontrol Alex Constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: In article <36ea8dfd.0@calwebnnrp>, John M Price PhD
: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: More stuff on Dan Rightmyer - the kook known as pen nemae Alex Constantine

:      Any legitimate resarcher of ritual abuse is a "kook" in your book.

No, but a kook is still a kook regardless of his delusions.

:      But I do not touch LSD, as you do on a regular basis, John.

And you know this how?  One of your cartoon characters tell you?

 This is a
: shining example of the pot calling the kettle black. Your "stuff" on me is
: a ridiculous pack of lies, and you
: spoon it out in defense of satanist Michael Aquino, your high priest.

I am an atheist.  I need no priests of any kind.

: 'Nuff said.

True, your delusions are taking you farther down the road of being totally

I guess your posting here is evidence that you agree, I do have a PhD.

But I am still willing to place the bet.  What would you prefer, a JPG of
the diploma (it is pretty), or the transcripts indicating conferral of the
degree?  Your choice.

I have the degree, you stop posting to usenet forever.  I don't. I'll buy
your book, and actually apologize.

So, what is it, my diploma, or your delusions?

John M. Price, PhD                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Dan, Dan the ACID man
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 3:13 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Come and listen to my story 'bout a nut named Dan
>Hears voices in his head he says are from "The Man."
>He says "They filled my noggin full of electronic bugs!"
>But he doesn't let you know that he's done a lot of DRUGS.
>(ACID, that is. LSD. "Hundreds of trips.")

     I wouldn't know LSD if you threw it in my face, as you
are doing here. I haven't tried it once, let alone "hundreds"
of times. Martin Cannon is sore because I have blown the
whistle on his attacks on victims of mind control experimentation,
and will say anything to wound the messenger. Anyone curious
about all of this should read my posts regarding Martin Cannon ‹ they
are the testimonials from his many victims, not written by me, and
not full of childish, taunting poems meant to destroy someone's reputation.
They are facts about who Martin Cannon is an what he is about. He is
feeding "information" about me to friends of satanist Michael Aquino.
This speaks volumes, I should think.

>"Hundreds of acid trips" is the admission Dan made to his former best
>friend, S.M.

     My "former best friend" is a drunk who I threw out of my
house because he was belligerant, as drunks will be. I have never
said any such thing to "S.M." or Martin Cannon. This is fiction, and
anyone who has followed these threads knows it.

Any reasonable person who wants the full story should feel free
to write me or call me. I'll tell ya how to talk to this former best friend
for yourself -- you'll hear all sorts of outrageous, hilarious stories about
Dan's history of massive drug abuse, as well his insane behavior.

     Since I don't even drink or put anything in my body but healthy food
and nutrients, as my true friends know, my "insane" behavior is another
of Martin Cannon's many traumas.

(Here's a sample: Once, one of Dan's inner "tormentors" identified himself
by name. Dan found that a gentleman of this name was listed in the phone
book. Dan, who owned a firearm, thretened to go to the house of this
obviously-innocent party and shoot him!)

     How it really happened: I once received a harassing telephone call from
someone who gave me a name. I looked up the name, but did not believe
this was the same person. I was indeed angry about the call ‹ but I never
said I would "shoot" the caller. This is hyperbolic and rude.

‹ Alex Constantine
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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