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From:                   "better_off_said <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
Date sent:              Sun, 12 Jan 2003 19:58:28 -0000
Subject:                [CIA-DRUGS] 2002: Anomalous Stories in Review
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Where Are They Now?

The following are (aside from one speech) various stories that I
found online and had book marked throughout the year, but forgot
about until making a frivolous attempt to organize my favorites
file.  While most of them are focused around the September 11th
investigation, others are just anomalous stories that broke in the
mainstream press then inexplicably vanished.  I have not included
stories that, while proven anomalous (i.e. the Sniper Case), got
significant media coverage.  What I am including below are those
stories that -- despite their mainstream coverage and considerable
implications -- seemed to have fallen off the face of the Earth.  In
my opinion, some of these stories should have in the least garnered
public concern or outcry, while others certainly warranted further
investigation; but, for whatever reason, they simply fizzled out or
disappeared altogether -- some of the links are even dead now.

I'm also curious to know if any of you have follow-up to these
stories and would also appreciate any others you might have to add:


The Orlando Sentinel
Inmate Says He Told FBI About Danger to New York
by Doris Bloodsworth
January 6, 2002

"Walid Arkeh contends that, during a late-summer interview that
federal officials acknowledge took place, FBI agents scoffed at his
promise to exchange more details for freedom, asylum and protection.

"But since Sept. 11, the 35-year-old Jordanian national from
Altamonte Springs has been grilled by federal agents and whisked to
an undisclosed location by state corrections officials. His name and
photo -- all traces of his presence in the system -- have been
removed from the Department of Corrections Web site." (archives:



FBI probes death of driver's license examiner
Woman gave licenses to men being checked for terrorist links
February 15, 2002 Posted: 11:19 PM EST (0419 GMT)

"Katherine Smith was found burned to death in her car early Sunday, a
day before she was to be arraigned on federal charges she helped five
Middle Eastern men and one juvenile get fake driver's licenses
earlier this month. The five adults are under investigation for
possible ties to the September 11 terrorist attacks, law enforcement
officials said." http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/02/15/inv.licenser.death/



[This speech given by CIA Deputy Director, Jim Pavitt, is one of the
most head-scratching, contradictory speeches I've ever read regarding
9-11.  Pavitt starts by basically admitting the CIA had foreknowledge
of the attacks, stating that "we warned that Al Qaeda was planning a
major strike," but then rushes to say they didn't have the "tactical
intelligence" to stop them.  But then Pavitt flip-flops again,
stating the CIA "were there well before the 11th of September."  He
then contradicts himself again by stating the CIA was the first on
the ground "within days" after the attacks (wait a minute, I thought
they never left?).  And now, according to Pavitt, while (in 2002) the
CIA had "more spies stealing more secrets than at any time in the
history of the CIA," they can't do anything to stop "the next
terrorist attack"?  Amazing!  Still, the most mind-boggling statement
of Pavitt's speech has to be: "...the United States as a whole could
not neither prevent or precisely predict the devastating tragedy of
the September 11th attacks."  Doesn't that double-negative mean that
they COULD have prevented the attacks?!]

Jim Pavitt, Deputy Director for Operations
Address to Duke University Law School Conference
April 11, 2002
(as delivered)


"(...)I think it's important to note tonight that we did not discover
terrorism on the 12th of September. For many of us the war commenced
many many years earlier."

"Teams of my paramilitary operations officers...were among the first
on the ground in Afghanistan...We were on the ground within days of
that terrible attack."

"...the fact remains...that we in the government of the United States
as a whole could not neither prevent or precisely predict the
devastating tragedy of the September 11th attacks."

"...On September 10th we were devoting more and more resources
against the terrorist target than at any other intelligence challenge
we faced."

"We had very, very good intelligence of the general structure and
strategies of the al Qaeda terrorist organization. We knew and we
warned that al Qaeda was planning a major strike. There need be no
question about that."

"We never found the tactical intelligence, never uncovered the
specifics that could have stopped those tragic strikes that we all
remember so well."

"If you hear somebody say...the CIA abandoned Afghanistan after the
Soviets left and that we never paid any attention to that place until
September 11th, I would implore you to ask those people how we were
able to accomplish all we did since the Soviets departed...we were
there well before the 11th of September."

"Today, the year 2002, I have more spies stealing more secrets than
at any time in the history of the CIA....We're stealing more secrets,
providing our leadership with more intelligence than we've ever done

"...Despite the best efforts of so much of the world, the next
terrorist attack—it's not a question of if, it's a question of
With so many possible targets and an enemy more than willing to die,
the perfect defense isn't possible."



The Guardian
Bush wins the final battle for star wars
· Kremlin abandons bitter opposition
· Construction starts in Alaska within weeks

Ian Traynor in Moscow and Julian Borger in Washington
Thursday May 16, 2002

"The Pentagon is to start construction work on NMD in Alaska within
weeks following a frenzy of intense diplomacy that this week has
resulted in the announcement of a major arms control treaty with
Russia and a new deal between Nato and Russia that allows Moscow
inside the alliance's councils for the first time.

"The Americans are capitalising on the new spirit of partnership to
sweep away opposition to the missile shield scheme and co-opt the
world's second nuclear power.

"With Washington and Moscow apparently bent on forging a new
partnership, Presidents George Bush and Vladimir Putin have agreed to
set up a joint committee on NMD, a senior Russian official revealed
yesterday, to head off Russian opposition.

"The agreement is in turn expected to undermine resistance to the
project in western Europe.

"The initiative will be unveiled next week when Mr Bush visits Russia
for the first time for a summit with Mr Putin. "



Police Seize Rental Truck With TNT Traces
Monday, May 13, 2002
By Carl Cameron

"A Budget truck was pulled over in Oak Harbor, Wash., last Tuesday
near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station and found to have traces of
TNT on the gearshift and traces of RDX plastic explosive on the
steering wheel, Fox News has learned.

"Documents read to Fox News indicate that both driver and passenger
were Israeli nationals. Investigators say a roadside check of the
national database of immigration records indicated that one of the
men had not entered the country legally, and the other was in
violation of his visa. Both men were taken into custody for
immigration violations."



June 12, 2002
Moroccan secret agent 'predicted New York attack'
By Daniel McGrory

"A MOROCCAN secret service agent says that for two years he
successfully infiltrated al-Qaeda before breaking cover last summer
to warn his bosses that the terror group was plotting 'something
spectacular' in New York

"Reports from Casablanca say that Mr Dabou was flown in secret to
Washington, where he was co-operating with US intelligence agents
when the hijackers struck.

"Growing evidence of al-Qaeda's Moroccan links was not followed up by
Western agencies last summer. Informers and minor figures arrested in
Europe had revealed their associations with a number of Moroccans
allied to radical Islamic groups, but the pattern was ignored."



The White Van
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
June 21, 2002

"The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, 'We are
Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The
Palestinians are the problem.' The other passengers were his brother
Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.

"When the men were transferred to jail, the case was transferred out
of the FBI's Criminal Division, and into the bureau's Foreign
Counterintelligence Section, which is responsible for espionage
cases, ABCNEWS has learned.

"The reason for the shift, sources told ABCNEWS, was that the FBI
believed Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli
intelligence operation.
After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched
Urban Moving's Weehawken, N.J., offices.

"The FBI searched Urban Moving's offices for several hours, removing
boxes of documents and a dozen computer hard drives. The FBI also
questioned Urban Moving's owner. His attorney insists that his client
answered all of the FBI's questions. But when FBI agents tried to
interview him again a few days later, he was gone."



Spider Bites -- Or Something More Dangerous?

8:13 a.m. EDT July 3, 2002 - John King and Artie Gabriellini were
strangers until doctors told them they have something in common: They
believe both men were bitten by the rare brown recluse spider.

"There's been an unusually high incidence of similar bites in recent
weeks -- five cases, when they usually see about one per year."

"The uncertainty has led the Suffolk County Health Department to call
for anthrax testing of all five Mather patients."



Airlines Alerted to Impostors
Thieves Take Uniforms; Crews Report Stalkings
By Greg Schneider
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, August 10, 2002; Page A01

"The Transportation Security Administration has warned airlines to be
on the lookout for impostors wearing stolen uniforms trying to gain
access to planes or airports, citing a series of recent thefts from
flight crews.

"Agency officials would not comment on the confidential warning,
which was issued July 22 -- a week after burglars took airline
uniforms, keys and identification tags from the New York apartment of
two Delta Airlines flight attendants.

"The warning does not cite any particular case, saying only that the
TSA 'continues to receive reports' about such thefts. It adds
that 'recent reporting also suggests a possible trend in the thefts
of uniforms, vehicles and other items used by police, firefighters
and emergency response personnel.'

"Terrorists have been known to impersonate authority figures in other
countries, such as when Palestinian attackers dressed as Israeli
soldiers and bombed a bus last month in Israel."



September 11 hijacker questioned in January 2001
Sources: CIA was interested in his travels in Afghanistan
August 1, 2002  Posted: 8:24 PM EDT (0024 GMT)
By Sheila MacVicar and Caroline Faraj

"The CIA suspected Ziad Jarrah had been in Afghanistan and wanted him
questioned because of 'his suspected involvement in terrorist
activities,' UAE sources said.

"A CIA spokesman vigorously denied that the CIA knew anything about
Jarrah before September 11 or had anything do with his questioning in

"UAE and European intelligence sources told CNN that the questioning
of Jarrah fits a pattern of a CIA operation begun in 1999 to track
suspected al Qaeda operatives who were traveling through the United
Arab Emirates. These sources told CNN that UAE officials were often
told in advance by U.S. officials which persons were coming through
the country and whom they wanted questioned.

"One source provided CNN a drawing of the Dubai airport and described
how people wanted for questioning were intercepted, most often at a
transit desk. U.S. officials declined to comment on whether the CIA
operated this way at the Dubai airport.

"A month after the hijackings, U.S. authorities also discovered a
letter written by Jarrah to his girlfriend in Germany and postmarked
September 10. In the letter -- which was mistakenly addressed and
returned to the United States, where authorities found it -- Jarrah
told his girlfriend he had done his duty."



Guard Battalion called to service
By Kristin Buehner, Of The Globe Gazette and the Associated Press
Thu Aug 22 16:51:38 CDT 2002

"FORT DODGE (AP) - The Iowa Army National Guard's 1st Battalion,
194th Field Artillery, will be ordered to federal active duty, the
Department of Defense and the National Guard Bureau in Washington,
D.C., have announced.

"The battalion, headquartered in Fort Dodge, will deploy to locations
within the United States for homeland security missions as part of
Operation Noble Eagle II, Col. Robert King, public affairs officer
for the Iowa National Guard, said Wednesday in a news release. The
battalion includes units in Algona, Estherville, Spencer and Storm

"Duty locations are not being announced."



U.S. sees Moussaoui link to hijacker
September 24, 2002

"Prosecutors for the first time Tuesday revealed evidence that they
claimed directly linked conspiracy suspect Zacarias Moussaoui with
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, alleging that a telephone number
Moussaoui called was scrawled on a business card belonging to one of
the hijackers of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a
Pennsylvania field."

"The Government said Tuesday that the business card, which was found
in the wreckage of the crash site in Shanksville, Pa., belonged to
Ziad Jarrah, one of the suspected pilots of Flight 93."

"In response, the pleading said, 'Jarrah's role as a hijacker on
Flight 93 is important to the government's evidence linking defendant
to the conspiracy, because a telephone number that defendant called
during the conspiracy was scrawled on a business card belonging to
Jarrah, which was found at the crash site in Pennsylvania.'"  (from
the archives of unansweredquestions.org:

Alleged photo from Ziad Jarrah's burned passport recovered in flight
93's wreckage (note that the CNN "passport photo" and this "passport
photo" are different):



9-11 Hijackers: A Saudi Money Trail?
The Feds probe a possible new Saudi link to Al Qaeda
By Michael Isikoff

"(...)sources describe the financial records as 'explosive' and say
the information has spurred an intense, behind-the-scenes battle
between congressional leaders and the Bush administration over
whether evidence highly embarrassing to the Saudi government should
be publicly disclosed—especially at a time that the White House
aggressively seeking Saudi support for a possible war against
Iraq. 'This is a matter of the foreign-policy interests of the United
States,' said another administration official, who cited the need to
prevent a rift in the U.S.-Saudi relationship."

"The leaders of a joint House-Senate Intelligence Committees
investigation have vigorously pushed for the release of a classified
report that lays out the evidence of the Saudi money flow. But Bush
administration officials, led by Attorney General John Ashcroft and
FBI Director Robert Mueller, have adamantly refused to declassify the
evidence upon which the report is based." (get it while it's still
there: http://www.msnbc.com/news/838867.asp#BODY)



Pakistani, Turkmen, Afghan leaders to sign $3.2 billion pipeline deal
BAGILA BUKHARBAYEVA, Associated Press Writer
Thursday, December 26, 2002

(12-26) 05:59 PST ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan (AP) -- Leaders from
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan met Thursday to work out the
final details of an ambitious deal to build a gas pipeline through
war-ravaged Afghanistan.

The long-delayed $3.2-billion natural gas pipeline, known as the
Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, would carry gas from energy-rich
Turkmenistan to Pakistan. It would be one of the first major
investment projects in Afghanistan in decades.

Turkmenistan, which possesses the fifth largest gas reserves in the
world, would get a badly needed alternative route for gas exports. In
1994 Russia refused to transport gas from this former Soviet republic
via the pipelines running through its territory.

"Once the contract is signed tomorrow, different private companies
and consortiums can take interest in the project should there be
interest in it," said Afghan Foreign Minister Abdullah. "It is a
project which is good for prosperity of all three countries."

The pipeline was originally launched in 1997 by a consortium led by
U.S. energy giant Unocal Corp. but abandoned after the United States
fired cruise missiles into Afghanistan in 1998 in pursuit of Osama
bin Laden's al-Qaida network. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-

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Steve Wingate

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