-Caveat Lector-
There're 2 more incidents/stories which were minimally covered, possibly related to 9/11...
First, the FBI agent in charge of the NYC office who 'just happened' to "lose" the top secret plans for the response to a terrorist attack on NYC when he attended a meeting in a hotel in Tampa, FL a year before the attacks  -- supposedly locked in his briefcase which he just happened to 'forget' at the end of the meeting, a briefcase which just as mysteriously was found a few hours later by hotel staff, and which we were told had NOT been opened (how could anyone tell?)...this agent later quit the FBI, supposedly due to criticism about the Florida incident, and 'coincidentally' took a job as head of security at the WTC, just a month before the attacks, and indeed he died in the attacks.  All too pat for me....
The second was the story of the raid on the ISP, located in Texas I believe, that was widely reported in various email newsletters and newsgroups at the time; this raid was spurred, so authorities said, because it was believed that the ISP was both hosting sites and more specifically providing email accounts to middle-easterners of Moslem bent who have ties to terrorists or are terrorists themselves.  This raid occured on Thursday, Sept. 6, 2001; in other words, this extraordinary raid on an ISP to gain access to supposed evidence of terrorist activity via its email accounts occured just 5 days before the terrorist attacks of 9/11, yet while there was much reporting on this from the evening of 9/6 thru 9/10, this story immediately disappeared after the attacks on 9/11.  The timing of this raid seems more than coincidence, and one suspects that it indicates that something WAS known about the impending attacks, and that is what prompted the raid on the Thursday prior to the attacks...
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