-Caveat Lector-

 April 13, 1999 After a jury in Michigan did what it could do
 to ensure pain and suffering for the terminally
 ill by convicting Dr. Jack Kevorkian, another
 jury in New York just did what it could do to
 send the message to journalists that efforts to
 break the Flight 800 cover-up and provide America
 with a second opinion (other than the government's)
 about evidence in that case will not be tolerated.
 James Sanders and his wife were just convicted for
 James having accepted patches of seat cushion taken
 from the wreckage so that independent tests could be
 conducted so as to give the world a second opinion.
 The message is clear: one nation, one investigation.
 Some argue: "But if someone has evidence proving it
 was a missile hit, why don't they bring it forward?"
 Right, I mean who wouldn't want to end up in jail?
Info On The Federal War on James and Elizabeth Sanders:
The Residue Sanders Tested Was NOT Glue, as FBI/Media Claim:
======================================================Associated Press Report
2 Convicted in TWA Evidence TheftBy Pat MiltonAssociated Press Writer
Tuesday, April 13, 1999; 6:07 p.m. EDT
UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) -- A self-styled investigative
reporter and his wife were convicted Tuesday of
stealing scraps of upholstery from the wreckage of TWA
Flight 800 in an effort to prove his theory that the
airliner was shot down by a Navy missile.
A federal jury took two hours to convict James Sanders,
53, and his wife Elizabeth, 52, a former TWA training
supervisor, of conspiracy and aiding and abetting thethefts.
The couple from Williamsburg, Va., could get up to 10
years in prison when sentenced July 9.
``I'm shocked,'' Sanders said in a telephone interview
after the verdict. ``I'm confident we will prevail.
I'm more shocked for my wife, Liz.''
Sanders said he ``wouldn't have started down this road
if I wasn't prepared to go to jail. It sends an incredible
strong message to journalists.''
All 230 people aboard Flight 800 were killed when the
Boeing 747 exploded over the Atlantic on July 17,
1996, just minutes after leaving New York's Kennedy
Airport on a flight to Paris. The government has said
the plane was destroyed by a fuel tank fire of as-yet
unknown origin but has rejected sabotage, terrorism or
``friendly fire'' from the Navy.
In newspaper articles and a 1997 book, ``The Downing
of TWA Flight 800,'' Sanders claimed stains on seat
upholstery taken from the plane were formed by missile
fuel, bolstering his theory. The FBI said the stainswere glue.
The government's case relied heavily on the testimony
of Terrell Stacey, a former TWA pilot who admitted
helping Sanders by stealing crash-related documents
and scraps of the seat covering from the hangar where
investigators had reassembled the plane's wreckage.
Stacey, who had flown the plane the day before the
crash and was assigned by TWA to assist in the
investigation, testified against the Sanderses in
exchange for being allowed to plead guilty to amisdemeanor theft charge.
Sanders' attorney, Bruce Maffeo, said he will appeal.
He said Sanders was ``a journalist trying to get the
truth out'' and made no attempt to hide the fact that
the evidence was passed to him.
================ END OF AP REPORT ====================

Two miscarriages of justice, one day!  Shame on US!


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