-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Murdoch TV channel hires Hewitt as war reporter
Matt Wells, media correspondent
Tuesday January 14 2003
The Guardian

James Hewitt, whose failed attempts to sell his love letters from Princess Diana 
earned him the "love rat" soubriquet, has been renamed the "desert rat" after being 
hired as a war correspondent.

Fox News Channel, the US network that has drawn criticism for its style of journalism, 
has signed up the former Life Guards officer to report on the conflict with Iraq. 
Hewitt has no reporting experience, but his lawyer said he would be flying out to the 
Middle East in the next few weeks.

Hewitt has become notorious for his attempts to sell the correspondence between him 
and Princess Diana, and is held in contempt by the tabloid press. But he would be 
attractive to Fox, which has become known for its personality-led style of reporting 
pioneered by the correspondent Geraldo Rivera, who carried a gun when reporting from 

While the Murdoch-owned network has been criticised by liberal commentators, it has 
overtaken CNN in the US as the most popular news channel.

There were reports yesterday that the Hewitt deal was worth £100,000, but his 
lawyer Michael Coleman said: "I'm not in a position to disclose the terms of his 
contract or the details of the negotiations." A spokeswoman for Fox declined to 
confirm or deny the story.

Hewitt was criticised last week for confirming he was prepared to sell his love 
letters from Diana. The former officer said he has already been of fered £4m for 
10 of the 64 handwritten letters composed during their five-year affair.

Hewitt, a veteran of the 1991 Gulf war, said last week he was still a reservist and 
could be ordered to serve with British forces in any new conflict. Mr Coleman said 
this was "theoretically possible but practically unlikely".

He also said he completed talks with Fox in Los Angeles last week while Hewitt took 
part in a series of interviews.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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