-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site and thought you should 
see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited Observer site, go 
to http://www.observer.co.uk

Spies hide as Bank faces BCCI charges
Victims of the biggest banking fraud ever are putting UK regulators in the dock - and 
demanding security service documents.  Conal Walsh reports
Conal Walsh
Saturday January 18 2003
The Guardian

A mega-scandal much older than Enron or WorldCom is about to shake the British 
financial establishment. More than a decade after the spectacular collapse of the Bank 
of Credit and Commerce International, its creditors are finally to put the Bank of 
England in the dock.

The stakes could not be higher for the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street. It was the 
financial regulator in 1991 when the BCCI crashed with £7 billion of undeclared 
debts, and has long been accused of turning a blind eye to fraud at the Middle Eastern 

Now it faces a giant lawsuit brought in London by BCCI's victims, who claim it is 
guilty of negligence amounting to 'misfeasance', or wilful misconduct. The Bank has 
fiercely denied the charge, and made every effort to get the legal action thrown out.

And no wonder. BCCI's creditors are claiming up to £1bn in damages. They are also 
breaking new ground by challenging the Bank's statutory immunity against being sued.

The Government's worries do not stop there. It will have to answer potentially 
embarrassing questions over what Ministers, civil servants and the regulator knew 
about BCCI before it crashed. The Bank's most senior officials, past and present, are 
expected to go into the witness box, and the High Court will also consider evidence 
from John Major, the former Prime Minister, as well as former Chancellors Norman 
Lamont, Nigel Lawson and Denis Healey.

Then there is the small matter of the role played by Britain's intelligence services, 
whose relationship with BCCI has long been questioned. Did MI6 use accounts at the 
secretive bank to pay sources and operatives around the world? Did BCCI channel 
Western funds to Mujahideen fighters in the Eighties - or even, as some conspiracy 
theorists have surmised, to Osama bin Laden?

All this may - or may not - come out when the trial begins in October. For now, 
though, both sides are engaged in pre-trial legal tussles over secret service 

The creditors are led by accountant Deloitte & Touche, BCCI's liquidator. They 
range from East End market traders to local councils to the state of Abu Dhabi, which 
had become BCCI's principal shareholder by 1991, and is thought to have lost £2bn.

BCCI remains the world's biggest-ever banking fraud, and the colour and complexity of 
the scam is awesome.

Press attention at the time tended to focus on such unsavoury customers as Panama's 
military leader Manuel Noriega, as well as the gilt-edged lifestyles of the bank's 
executives, many of whom remain fugitives from justice today. BCCI laundered drugs 
money, bribes and dictators' loot. But this reflected only part of an endemic culture 
of fraud, which would consume more than 90 per cent of the bank's assets.

BCCI was founded in 1972 by Agha Hasan Abedi, a charismatic banker and mystic from 
Pakistan. It grew rapidly, and would eventually boast offices in 70 countries and 
14,000 employees. But from the start, it had a taste for opaque finances. It was 
incorporated in two tax havens, Luxembourg and Grand Cayman, and used two sets of 
auditors, allowing it to avoid publishing meaningful consolidated accounts.

Abedi's bank was beloved of Asian and Middle Eastern expatriates, and he cherished a 
vision of the BCCI as a force for unity in the developing world. But by the late 
Seventies, its biggest borrower, the Gulf shipping group owned by Abbas Gokal, was 
heading for bankruptcy. Concerned that regulators would shut down BCCI if its 
exposures were revealed, Abedi and other executives falsified the books. BCCI secretly 
poured money into Gulf, just to make it look like a going concern capable of servicing 
its debts.

This deception lasted for 15 years, involved 750 false accounts and an estimated total 
turnover of $15bn. BCCI also created fictitious transactions to mask other 
non-performing loans, as well as hundreds of millions of pounds' worth of losses at 
its London-based treasury department. Reckless expansion into the United States and 
Europe dented profitability further. By the time it went down, BCCI was routinely 
plundering customer deposits to maintain an appearance of solvency.

It had been granted a licence to trade in the UK by the Bank of England in 1980, and 
opened dozens of outlets here, its largest branch network in any single country. 
BCCI's collapse provoked fury in the UK, as tens of thousands of depositors were left 
out of pocket.

Several protagonists, including Gulf's Gokal, were put behind bars by the Serious 
Fraud Office, and the Bank of England was castigated for its failures of supervision 
by Lord Bingham, whose official inquiry into the BCCI reported in 1992. Bingham's 
sentiments were forcefully echoed by a US Senate inquiry.

Despite the criticism, Threadneedle Street has spent an estimated £10m in legal 
fees fighting creditors' attempts to gain financial redress. For years, the trial has 
been held up in pre-court hearings, with Government lawyers attempting to withhold 
reams of classified papers collected by Bingham's inquiry.

Much has been handed over, including witness statements from politicians and evidence 
from government depart ments at home and abroad. But the BCCI creditors have not had 
as much luck in getting key intelligence documents.

Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, secured public interest immunity orders last year 
to block the disclosure of 'sensitive' passages from an unpublished appendix of the 
Bingham report, which dealt with the security services.

Other material has been kept out of creditors' hands by invoking a statute that also 
relates to national security. In an extraordinary twist, however, the Government is 
refusing to identify exactly  which statute it has invoked.   Government lawyers may 
fear that to identify the statute would effectively reveal the nature of the material 
they are trying to keep secret. The BCCI creditors, however, are not satisfied. They 
believe they are not being given a proper chance to challenge the Government's 

The creditors insist they are not making mischief for British intelligence: they only 
want to find out what the Bank of England was told about BCCI. There are still a lot 
of secret documents to argue over. Expect more skirmishes in the months ahead.

Years and years of ignored warnings

 1972  BCCI founded. First offices in Luxembourg, UK, Oman and United Arab Emirates.
   1976  US regulators express concern about BCCI's status.
   1980  BCCI is plundering accounts to conceal substantial losses by Gulf Shipping. 
Bank of England grants banking licence.
   1985  Bank of England receives anonymous letter detailing fraud at BCCI. By now, 
clients include Abu Nidal's terrorist organisation and Medellin drugs cartel.
   1988  BCCI employees charged with money-laundering in US. Bank of England ignores 
warning about BCCI from City fraud squad.
   1991  Price Waterhouse reports massive fraud. Top Bank of England officials are 
'devastated' and shut BCCI.
   1992  Bingham report and the US Senate criticise Bank of England for supervisory 
   1993-97  Six convictions following Serious Fraud Office investigations. Other BCCI 
suspects go on the run.
   2001  House of Lords gives creditors leave to sue Bank of England.

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

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