-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

Colin Powell and the Marketing of Uncle Sam
Afnan Hussein Fatani, Special to Arab News
Published on 15 March 2003

And they will say (on the Day of Judgment): “Our Lord! Indeed we obeyed
our leaders
and our elders and they led us astray. Our Lord! Give them double the
punishment and curse them a great curse.”

(The Qur’an: 33:66-68)

Nelson Mandela was right. The bribing, bullying, horse-trading and
warmongering we are witnessing in the world today are all because there’s
a black man sitting at the helm of the United Nations. From Guinea, the
poorest and smallest country in Africa, to Bush’s America, “the greatest
nation, and the greatest people, on the face of the earth ” — no one
seems to bother what the black secretary-general of the United Nations
thinks or what he plans to do. He’s simply become inaudible and invisible.
But Mandela forgot to add another pathetic figure to his list of black
leaders who have distorted the shape of our world simply by being black.
That man is Colin Powell, the US secretary of state.

The problem with Powell started when he hired advertising executives to
improve the US image in Arab countries — indeed in the entire world. He
has been quoted as saying that a professional who once sold Uncle Ben’s
Rice to the nation was the perfect person to sell Uncle Sam to the world.
But this is exactly the type of false analogical thinking and superficial
reasoning that has marred Powell’s logic ever since he transformed from
dove to wolf-in-sheep’s-skin. Just because both phrases share the same
word “uncle,” that doesn’t mean that “Ben” and “Sam” are the same. In
fact, both products are radically in opposition. Uncle Ben’s Rice literally
sold itself because it was good, nutritious and healthy; Uncle Sam isn’t
selling because the product is bad, unwholesome and malevolent. Powell
can no more sell his stale product than a grocery store can sell rotten
apples and tomatoes, except to the starved and dying of the world,
except to the famine-struck African peoples of Guinea, Angola and
Cameroon. There are three questions that Powell needs to ask himself: Is
it ethical to wax down his rotten produce and sell it off as nutritious and
healthy food? If health-conscious people aren’t buying, is it moral to shove
it down their throats? When all attempts at marketing a tainted Uncle Sam
failed, was it ethical to capitalize on his own credibility and his credentials
as a war-hero? Charlotte Beers, the advertising executive hired to improve
the US image resigned last Monday, citing the frightening “gap between
who we are and how we wish to be seen — and how we are in fact seen.”
That is the kind of professionalism that the world expects from America.
That is American ethics at its best.

Powell’s subtle method of lying has become a stable strategy used by
almost all US government officials, including of course the US president
himself. The effectiveness of this strategy lies in its sheer simplicity; one
merely falsifies truths by creatively manipulating a constant variable — a
digit, a letter, a color, a shape, a name, a date of birth or place of origin.
Powell first used the method in his PowerPoint presentation to the UN
when he tried to convince us that the rabbit shape we see in the moon
really is a live gigantic rabbit. It has now become something of a global joke
that the only established link between Al-Qaeda and Iraq is the letter “q”
found in both words. Notice, for example, the digital link used by Bush
when he claimed in his first speech after the tragedy of Sept. 11 that 130
Israelis had died in the twin towers when the correct number was actually
3 (out of the 3,000 Israeli employees that were supposed to have been in
the WTC at the time of the explosions). Powell found an ingenious three-
in-one link between Al-Qaeda, Iraq and Palestinians. Al-Zarqawi, he told us
at the UN, was an Al-Qaeda terrorist operating in Northern Iraq and also a
Jordanian of Palestinian origin. To make this link stick, Powell had to falsify
a few basic facts.

— First, that Al-Zarqawi is operating in the American-controlled No-fly Zone
and hence outside the jurisdiction of the Iraqi government

— Second, that he is of pure Jordanian descent from the Al-Khalaylah
tribe, one of the tribes of the Bani Hasan clan.

The question is, even if Al-Zarqawi was of Palestinian origin, does that
prove that Palestinians are terrorists? What about John Walker, the
American Taleban? Shouldn’t his origins be used to link Americans to
terrorism and Al-Qaeda?

There is something nauseating about watching a once dignified and
trustworthy black war- hero having to lie, deceive and cajole just to find
favor with his rich Texan boss. Last week, we watched in utter shock as
Colin Powell promised the Arab world in an interview with the newly
launched Arab TV station, Al-Arabia, that the invasion of Iraq would be
“short.” Yes, we all know how “short” and sweet the bombing campaign
will be in Iraq. In a CBS-TV interview, Pentagon planner Harlan Ullman
revealed Bush’s “Shock and Awe” military plan, designed to kill millions in
48 hours using 800 cruise missiles. This is how the invasion is described:
“You have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear weapons of
Hiroshima, not taking weeks but minutes.” (See Geov Parrish – “Shock and
yawn – ZNet - Feb. 24, 2003)

Did Powell’s advertising specialists and dubious intelligence sources tell
him that Arabs don’t read or write or watch TV? If he wanted to sweet-talk
Arabs into accepting the quick bombing of Iraq, all he succeeded in doing
was making us feel disgusted with him and the war party he represents. If
this criminal plan was ever to be executed, no US soldier will ever be safe
walking the streets of any Arab or Muslim country, let alone Iraq. Powell
needs to be told that this pending invasion is a war crime and that he and
the Bush administration must and will be held accountable for the mass
murder of Iraqi civilians.

We were further shocked when Powell had the gall to suggest that a US
military commander would be placed in charge of Iraq after the initial
victory by US-led forces. The man chosen to lead Iraq out of the darkness
into the light is no other than the Texan military general, Tommy Franks,
currently in charge of commanding the US forces in the Gulf.

What Powell conveniently forgot to tell us is that Tommy Franks has been
under investigation by the Pentagon since last summer regarding abuse of
his office. Investigators have concluded that Franks allowed his wife to sit
in on secret briefings, in violation of military rules — and even allowed her
financial access to his office. (As reported by Barbara Ferguson in Arab
News, Feb. 5) Are we seriously supposed to believe that this sleazy general
and his wife are going to democratize the Arab world, to bring peace and
stability, freedom and liberty, to Iraqi men, women and children?

When the story of Franks’ blatant abuse first broke out, Donald Rumsfeld
quickly emphasized that the general had his “full trust, respect and
confidence.” Of course he has, but does anybody in the Arab world
respect or trust Rumsfeld? As we watched Powell spin his web of lies, the
main question in our mind was: What is the point of replacing our rotten
Saddam with your rotten Tommy? If Tommy is so obnoxious as to plunder
the coffers of the US Army, how much money will he and his wife be
allowed to embezzle once they have full control of Iraqi oil fields? Iraqi oil
revenue, Powell tells us, will be placed in trusteeship for the Iraqi people.
Is this some kind of sick joke? What happened the last time an Arab
country was placed in trusteeship? During the British mandate, wasn’t
Palestine given to the Zionist settlers as a going away present? Where is
the ancient land of Palestine today? Hasn’t it been completely obliterated
from the world map, thanks to US funding, and replaced by the so-called
democracy of Israel? Isn’t it tragically ironical that the only Palestine there
is today is the one in Texas, USA?

As we watched Powell scare us with his gruesome catalogue of Iraqi WMD,
three nagging questions terrorized us the most: What is the point of
destroying Saddam’s liters of VX and anthrax only to replace it with Bush’s
new generation of nuclear weapons — micro-nukes (10 tons), mini-nukes
(100 tons) and tiny nukes (1 kilotons)? What is the point of liquidating Iraqi
scientists in Baghdad only to replace them with American nuclear
scientists from the Los Alamos National Labs? What is the value of sweet
liberty when it is at the expense of leveling a whole country and killing
millions of its citizens in 48 hours? “We think the price is worth it,”
retorted Madeliene Albright, the then US secretary of state when
questioned by television reporter Lesley Stahl about the morality of killing
500,000 Iraqi children. Powell is feeding us the same heinous answers to
our questions, and that is why he has become a supreme icon of evil and
hypocrisy in our eyes, far surpassing the evil of his master Bush himself.

Being the polished speaker that he is, Powell should have known better
than to underestimate our intelligence or our morality. He knows only too
well that he has no say in Bush’s Middle East policy. Isn’t that the job of
the convicted liar Elliot Abrams, Bush’s pro-Israel, pro-war director of
Middle Eastern affairs at the White House, convicted in 1987 of two counts
of lying to the Congress in the Iran-Contra scandal and pardoned by the
first President Bush in 1992?

And what about the heinous role of John D. Negroponte, the US
ambassador to the United Nations, also tied up with the Nicaragua
guerrillas scandal and convicted of five felony counts in 1990. “Whatever
controversy there was in the past is in the past,” said one senior US
official when questioned about Negroponte’s criminal credentials. (See
Steven Weisman, NY Times, Dec. 7, 2002). If only Powell and the Bush
administration would use the same magnanimous logic for all convicted
criminals and liars. Wouldn’t the world be a safer place?

And what about the Arab-hating radical Zionists at the Pentagon, Richard
Perle, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith, known to Washington insiders as
“the Kosher Nostra” (See Jason Vest, The Nation Magazine). According to
a March 10 report by Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker, Perle has even
set up his own Homeland Security company and stands to gains millions of
dollars in the event of an Iraq invasion. When questioned in a CNN program
last Sunday, Perle lashed out at Hersh, calling him a “terrorist” who had
written nothing substantial since Mai Lai.

It is impossible for anyone watching the program not to have been rattled
by the callousness, the cold hostile looks, and the crude radicalism of this
influential Pentagon advisor who as chairman of the Defense Policy Board
and a strong and vocal advocate of pre-emptive strikes can easily bully and
coerce the Pentagon into unleashing a nuclear war that nobody wants.

Most of all, what about Dick Cheney, the vice president, ex-oil man, and
active member of right-wing JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security
Affairs), charged with fraud and deceit by the legal watchdog group
Judicial Watch on behalf of Halliburton shareholders, and about to be
taken to court by the General Accounting Office for his notorious Energy

The list is long — too long for us to catalogue. These are the corrupt
people who now rule Bush’s White House and who are now conspiring to
invade Iraq for their own financial profits and for the good of greater
Israel. These are the people who, as Jason Vest states, see “no difference
between US and Israeli national security interest, and that the only way to
assure continued safety and prosperity for both countries is through
hegemony in the Middle East.” When questioned why no one in US
government was trying to stop Bush’s mad rush to war, a BBC
correspondent in Washington had this to say: Congress is “pro- Israel and
Israel is pro-war.” Knowing this Zionist-led administration, it was shameful
of Powell to try to sell us his treacherous plan of invasion and make it
sound like he was doing us all a big favor.

But there’s another more sinister side to this Israeli-American plan that
Powell is desperately trying to overlook. To the Zionists of Israel and
America, the bombing of Iraq and the slaughter of Iraqi men, women and
children is simply a matter of religious duty; and that is why it is called a
“just” and “moral” war. Just read the reference to the Babylonians, the
ancestors of modern-day Iraqis, in Psalm 137: “A blessing on him who takes
and dashes your babies against the rock!” Every man, woman and child in
the Arab and Muslim world knows this grim and gruesome reality; we see it
everyday in Palestine — in the killing of pregnant women and 85-year old
men, the shooting of infants, the maiming of teenagers and children, the
mass detention, the demolition of homes, the curfews, the road-checks,
the confiscation of land, the settlements, the humiliation, the torture, the
rape. You name the atrocity, they have it in Israel.

Unlike other nations, we cannot turn a blind eye to Israeli occupation, or
to wish away Israeli greed and covetousness of Muslim holy lands. We had
hoped to God that the US administration was not part of this grand Zionist
scheme to crush Arab nations and dispossess them of their wealth and
lands. But we have long since reached, to use Powell’s advertising jargon,
that “Voila” moment — the moment when it suddenly dawned on us that
the US and Israel are more than just two sides of the same coin. We now
know that there is only one side to the coin, and alas the image engraved
therein is a Janus-faced eagle simultaneously stalking for both Israel and

During the days of slavery in America, white men discovered the powerful
singing voices of their black slaves. Today, judging from the sleek
performance of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, American leaders have
apparently discovered and successfully utilized the articulate skills of their
black citizens. Too bad the message these black politicians are promoting
is Zionist war and destruction, and not Christian peace and goodwill. Too
bad that Powell and the Bush administration have between them tainted
the white wholesome goodness of Uncle Ben’s Rice.

(Afnan Fatani is professor of stylistics at King Abdul Aziz University and
currently a visiting professor at Dar Al-Hekma College, Jeddah.)

Arab News Opinion 15 March 2003

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