-Caveat Lector-

Colleen Jones wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Years and years ago, a friend of mine gave me the huge Ohio Revised Code
> in one book....I read it all, but got really bored when it came to the
> banking and money stuff, where most of the dirty work is usually done -
> securities and all that.
> There was one law on the books then, that I still remember and did not
> question or wonder why:   (Actually, believe was two laws).
> One law forbid Greek Fraternities......
> Other Law forbid anyone other than a Mason from wearing Masonic
> regalia....(and the word I think was regalia).
> I do not know if this law is still on books; but would have to be under
> Chapter 29 criminal code.....I ran across it again in 1969 when I filed
> the soothsaying without a license charge against Jeanne Dixon, the Tokyo
> Rose of Washington Square.....but again, do not believe any of these
> laws were repealed and still stand.
> Why would it be illegal to wear Masonic Regalia......yet on the other
> hand, why would it bann fraternities using Greek letters  etc.   All
> these fraternities use the King James Bible for their rituals.....just
> like the Mafia.
> Do not have this huge law book anymore; and have no access to Ohio code
> at this point in time.
> Colleen

Colleen, if Ohio is like Florida, the statues are now on line.  You might try a
search like 'Ohio Statues'.
Jim Norman

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