-Caveat Lector-

"God of 9.11"

Now this long posting soon turns into a very excruciating tedious number
ramble, for which I offer no excuse.

But first as a number cruncher of arithmetic I know that writers must
empathize with the reader and emotional copy is often used for this purpose,
but my copy, when stained by lots of reference numbers, is unacceptable to
most readers, for numbers are inherently boring and so numbers have a very
limited appeal factor. Psychologists say that when a person is confronted by
ideas or facts that are at odds with his pre-existing notions, such as
number references embedded in the text, what results is 'cognitive
dissonance', a sort of static in the human psyche. And static that has the
power to distort or even block perception; and yes, there is a lot of
'cognitive dissonance' around tedious number references especially when
religion is included.

So what is the truth about the horror of September 11th 2001? And is the
Moslem leader Osama bin Laden, a supporter of, but did not actually plan or
finance the attack on the Twin Towers?

The identity of the 19 individuals who hijacked the four passenger planes is
known, and curiously the diabolical 'Invisible Hand', the Adversary, seems
to have provided the coordination both in the United States and elsewhere
through his chosen Elite. And so for the 'Invisible Hand' to work his deeds
of evil intent into the minds of those so selected, the 'Invisible Hand'
must seemingly set his watch using the 'Clockwork Sarcophagus' to ensure
such evil deeds happen on time.

Conspiracy theory research usually delves into questions of motives for
personal greed and power but in the case of 9.11, I do believe evil
spiritual forces influenced the actions of the so called Elite men and
women, who seem to be willing participators in this diabolical act of
killing nearly 3,000 innocent victims. The evil spiritual forces of the
'Invisible Hand' directs human minds by telepathy, in that the person thinks
his thoughts originated from their own personal thinking.

Of course conspiracy theories do appeal to some people in that they can
explain a great deal of seemingly disconnected events and phenomena and they
often provide a specific enemy. The conspirators are themselves believed to
be powerful and corrupt, and capable of incredible foresight and subtlety.
At the same time they are capable of seemingly great stupidity, for how else
could we see through them. Conspiracy theories are usually incorporated into
paranormal belief systems because they can be invoked to explain the absence
of real supportive evidence. OK, for many the very suggestion of something
being that of a conspiracy is to cause the very suggestion to lose its value
and so the conspiracy theorists are ignored. But there are out there in the
real world, real conspirators, and by serious investigation and through
intensive analysis, I intend to offer up the kind of circumstantial evidence
for a wicked 9.11 conspiracy. And in doing so I hope to encourage others to
search and seek more information which reveals a powerful evil agenda, an
agenda that is following a precise time line towards a terrifying end time

So the American people should as least consider and weigh up for themselves
uncomfortable truths, especially as there are many readers of the New
Testament in the United States, and they know that there is a God, so they
know there is also an Adversary, the evil 'Invisible Hand'.

So it is up to the individual man or woman, the individual reader or viewer
to decide if the 'conspiracy theory' is the whole truth, or has elements of
truth in it, or has pointers to the truth, or is nothing but a load of
nonsense. And in the final analysis, the judges are subject to the
statements of the witnesses to ascertain the truth, but if the witness
chooses not to speak or write the truth through private fear, social
embarrassment, or being in abject surrender to the threat of intimidation,
then the truth could remain hidden from us all.

Now I am not suggesting this 'Elite' group knew years previously that it was
to be two passenger planes smashing into the World Trade Center, but I am
shouting out that this particular September day in the 2001 calendar was set
aside for a vast nefarious act so to ensure  that very day was entered into
the minds of humanity for generations to come, as '9.11 Day'.

Where atheists and agnostics miss out, is that understand not the sixth
sense, an example of this sixth sense is that some of the greatest composers
of music recognized the help of the invisible muse, spirit or genie standing
next to them, and by telepathy assisted in the writing of the music. And a
secret that should be known is to understand that only a relatively few have
truly illuminated 'dark' minds. And to have an illuminated mind a person
needs to recognize the existence of the spiritual realm and accepts the
guidance of a spirit being. The difference between a brilliant natural mind
and a supernatural illuminated mind is that the latter person will be very
assured and confident and think what they are doing is correct even when
most others say they are wrong. Beware of such men, for leaders like this
will have no qualms about sending tens of thousands to their deaths. And I
suggest America's President Truman may have such an illuminated but dark
mind. For the majority of people have use only their five senses, whereas as
the Elect may use a powerful sixth sense which is often that of the presence
of a 'fallen' spirit, who is determined to use a chosen human mind so to
cause death, mayhem and destruction. For natural death gives 'freedom or
liberty' to the spirit within an atheistic or agnostic. And death offers up
spiritual blood for the 'Tree of Liberty'. So the Elite are into the human
spirit person emigration business on a vast scale, and their easy target are
those who are not religious; of course they care not if the religious die
too in the process. For they know where the dead spirit person, complete
with his or her memory, will be when they die, knowing that many of the dead
will enter the gates of Hades, that is in another set of four dimensions.

I now offer up a relationship between September 11th 2001 and the Great

The Great Pyramid of the Biblical Beast.

"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the
sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and
upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like
unto a leopard, and his feet were as [the feet] of a bear, and his mouth as
the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and
great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and
his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
And they worshipped the dragon who gave power unto the beast: and they
worshipped the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to
make war with him?" Book of Revelations 13:1-4

And this Biblical Beast has the reference number 933 when all its attributes
are added together. And 933 can also be formed by the 'Skull' at 322 + the
'Skull' at 322 + the 'Cross Bones' at 289 (17 x 17) is 933, so the basic
'Skull and Cross Bones' reference number is 322 + 289 at 611.

The full volume the Great Pyramid is some 91,575,000 cubic feet, and I
suggest a missing capstone volume of 919.4521 cubic feet. This volume is
made up of two fundamental reference numbers, that is Satan, the Adversary,
at 155 and the Devil within Satan, at 508. Now the 'New World Order' cubit,
the French metric meter was 39.37 inches until 'polished up' to 2.54
centimeters per inch, (and 2.54 + 2.54 is 5.08), the reciprocal is
0.39370078 thus a relationship between the earlier one meter and the later
equivalent to one inch. And 1.55 x 50.8 is twice the meter at 39.37 inches
in length. Now 10 meters at 32.8083334 feet squared and /4 and x Pi is the
area of a circle within a 10 x 10 meter square of 845.3921656 square feet.
And the area of the circle x 1,000 and square root is 919.4521, and 919.4521
cubic feet is I suggest the volume of the missing gold covered capstone,
from whence came the 'New World Order' cubit in 1792.

To offer up what I feel is a little circumstantial evidence, and that is the
'Glass Pyramid'.  And so to the Court of Napoleon, next to the Lourve
Museum, Paris, stands the Glass Pyramid. It was in November 1983, the French
Ministry of Culture set up the 'Etablissment Public du Grand Louvre' to
overseer the building of the Glass Pyramid with a budget of $1,000 million.
The architect was I. M Pei and he worked with President Mitterand in the
design of the Glass Pyramid. The Glass Pyramid was constructed on the Cour
Napoleon with each side at 38 meters and 21.6 meters high. And beneath the
Cour Napoleon was the Hall Napoleon, a hall that is 54 x 54 x 9 meters high
up to the mezzanine floor, that is including the thickness of the ceiling or
the depth of floor of the Cour Napoleon, and the overall measurements of the
Glass Pyramid are 54 x 54 x 30.6 meters. And the full volume of the Glass
Pyramid is 1,050,800 cubic feet, x 7 Glass Pyramids is equivalent to 8,000
Great Pyramid capstones at 919.45 cubic feet. So President Mitterand's Glass
Pyramid reveals from whence came the French meter.

By the way the full volume of the Glass Pyramid at 1,050,800 cubic feet, x
18 Glass Pyramids is equivalent 1,000 revolutions of the Sun at 28.4 Earth
days x 666 reveals the Glass Pyramid. Whereas 284,000,000 /Pi +
2,840,000,000 is 32 lots of the Great Pyramid at 91,575,000.24 cubic feet.
And the base sides of the Great Pyramid at 440 cubits x 6,660,000 is
equivalent to 91,575,000 x 32 lots. And 440 + 6660 is 7,100 x 4 is 28,400
and /Pi + 28,400 is 18,720 + 18,720 and 18,720 is 10% less than 20,800 that
of God's own measurement standard. And the 'Long Count' of the Maya people
of Central America is 1,870,000 days, that is 13 periods of 144,000 days,
some 5,125.365 years, a Maya 'Age' that ends on December 22nd 2012.

The Biblical Beast that will come up out of the sea of people has the
reference number 933, that is the Serpent at 289 (17 x 17) + the Dragon's
power at 322, and when the Beast is given yet more power, that is + another
322 1255, and 1255 + 1255 is 2510 the Beast's reference number,  (and 251 x
251 x 0.2 is 12,600.200).

The missing apex of the Great Pyramid, is some 11,616 cubic feet, a platform
at the top of 33 x 33 feet, and this volume includes the missing capstone of
919.4521 cubic feet. What is curious about those who decided to remove the
apex, is that they knew what the volume of 11,616 cubic feet represents. In
that the internal volume of the granite sarcophagus within the King's
Chamber of the Great Pyramid is, or rather was when newly cut, some 41.68625
cubic feet, or 72,033.84 cubic inches and /Pi thrice x 10 is twice the
number 11,616.009. So look up at the missing apex and imagine the
sarcophagus, a truncated pyramid on the One Dollar Bill.

The full volume of the sarcophagus is some 82.485157 cubic feet x its
internal volume at 41.68625 cubic feet is equivalent to the height of the
Eiffel Tower at 986 feet x 1.74366514 x 2 lots, and 1743.66514 days /Pi is
555.0258529 days. (That is from one hour after 10am EDT, Tuesday September
11th 2001, as the first of the Twin Towers was collapsing to 12:00:10am EST
March 20th 2003, the day that the United States of America attacked Iraq).

And the Beast at 251,000 x the full volume of the sarcophagus at some
82.485157 cubic feet x its internal volume at 41.68625 cubic feet and /Pi
and /3 is equivalent to the volume of the Great Pyramid without the capstone
at 91,574,085.5 cubit feet and + the capstone at 919.4521 cubic feet is
91,575,000 cubic feet.

Thus the Biblical Beast x the full volume of the sarcophagus (89.62 x 38.5 x
41.31 inches) x the internal volume of the sarcophagus (78.06 x 26.81 x
34.42 inches) forms the volume of the Great Pyramid without its capstone. So
rather clever were these Ancient Egyptians.

So to the Ancient Egyptian 9.11 Clockwork Pyramid

"True time would never be revealed by mere clocks.Even a master clockmaker's
finest work would offer only pale reflections of the absolute time that
belonged not to our human world, but to the 'sensorium' of God." Peter
Galison, Professor of the History of Science and of Physics at Harvard.

For over 16 years I have researched with a calculator and this includes
'events in time'; that is a 'demonstration' at a very specific point in
time, and those that were preplanned events and so set into the 'clockwork'
mechanism, like the date of 9.11 that is seemingly written into the 'cogs
and wheels' of the 'Ancient Egyptian 9.11 Clockwork Pyramid'.

Time is for me a complicated business, and one guesstimate I have, having
been told by the scientists that there are 11 dimensions to the Universe, I
made the 11 into three groups, the 'natural' with four dimensions, including
time, the 'spiritual' also with four dimensions including time and the
'eternal' that is the realm of three dimensions that has no time but
'controls' time.

It was maybe just after 9pm, say 9:15pm on Thursday, April 6th AD30, that
the traitor Judas left the table at the Last Supper, to assist the Jewish
priest in arranging the arrest of Jesus Christ. And counting from this time
and date, to 12:02am Tuesday, September 11th 2001 is 1917.430169 years x
365.242198 days x 24 hours x Pi and squared thrice, and /10 and square root
once and /3 is 9.157408550e+29. And 91,574,085.5 cubic feet is the capstone
less volume of the Great Pyramid, the world's symbol of death.

And counting from 9am Saturday morning, the Sabbath, that is Omer Day, that
is Passover, on April 8th AD30 and one full day after the commencement of
the Crucifixion at 9am on Friday, to 12:03am Tuesday, September 11th 2001 is
1,971.42609 years, some 720,048.0 days. And divided by 1,260 days, that is
the Bible's 'time, times and half a time' and the most important number in
the Bible, and x 300 lots and divided by 4 times is 1760, and as cubits the
four sides of the Great Pyramid. And 1760 is 40 x 44 and 44 days incubation
is that of the Golden Eagle (not the Bald Eagle). And 176 x Pi 4 times at
17144 is made up of the Beast at 251 x Eagle's wings at 44 + the Ancient
Egyptian falcon masked god Horus at 6100, the merciless killer of the sky,
and that was what September 11th 2001 was all about.

And the 720,048 days from 9am Saturday, April 8th AD30 until September 11th
reveals 1260 x the four sides of the foundation of the Great Pyramid. And
126 is the reference for the 'Eye of Horus' and 126 is the reference for the
spirit body within all humans until it is released at death.

"And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the
woman which brought forth the man [child]. And to the woman were given two
wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her
place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from
the face of the serpent." (Some 1,260 days). Revelations 12:13-14

"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they
worshipped the beast, saying, Who [is] like unto the beast? who is able to
make war with him?" Revelations 13:14

 The Beastly 9.11 Supernova SN1987

On the evening of February 23rd, 1987, a young Canadian astronomer named Ian
Shelton walked outside of the dome at the Cerro Tololo InterAmerican
Observatory in Chile, and took a photo of a nearby galaxy, the Large
Magellanic Cloud with his Nikon Camera. And when Ian Shelton developed his
photograph he immediately noticed a bright star where none had been seen
before. He told his colleagues, and within hours the word had sped around
the world. This was a supernova at 170,000 light years away, the brightest
one to be seen since 1604, when Johannes Kepler observed a supernova in our
own galaxy.

And so to very serious number crunching in time; counting from soon after
1:00:22am GMT February 24th 1987, that is year 1987.1479618 years (9pm
February 23rd local time) until the collapse of the second of the World
Trade Center Twin Towers at 10:28:31am Tuesday September 11th 2001, that is
year 2001.693886 years, is 14.5459243 years and squared and multiplied by
the 41.68625 cubic feet, the internal volume of the sarcophagus in the King'
s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, is 8,820.1400 that is the Biblical Beast at
25.1 x 25.1 x 7 times x 2. Thus very accurate counting for the Supernova
SN1987 reveals the Biblical Beast, and his sarcophagus, a sarcophagus that
forms and fashions the Great Pyramid when using himself.

And the seven branched candlestick, the Menorah has the reference number 882
or 7 times 126, whereas the diameter of the Sun, that is chromosphere, the
'halo' added to the photosphere of the Sun is 882,000 miles, the great

So for the first time astronomers have observations of the star that
exploded, the supernova precursor, known as Sk -69 202 from a catalog of
stars by N. Sanduleak. An unexpectedly Sk -69 202 was a blue supergiant
rather than a red supergiant that exploded some 170,000 light years ago. So
then supernova SN1987 or Sk -69 202, was then a dead star, and born is a
tiny neutron star. And the neutron start within SN1987 was recorded in
February 1987 at 1968.629 revolutions per second. And so it had a truly
enormous magnetic field to make a full revolution in a few thousandths of a
second, and so SN1987A at 1,968.629 revolutions per second is the fastest
ever recorded for a neutron star.

So take world famous terrorist reference 9.11 and increase to 9.110000e+13
and divide by the 'key' at 1968.629 and /6 seconds, the answer is equivalent
to 1,872,000 days x 4120.001 days.

And so thanks to fastest ever recorded spinning neutron star in our
Universe, at 1,968.629 revolutions per second, it acts as a key to the Maya'
s Long Count of 1,872,000 days and the 4,120 days from September 11th 2001
and December 22nd 2012.

Imagine, the two end time dates of September 11th 2001 and December 22nd
2012 are written into SN1987, so the Maya - 9.11 Supernova confirms the end
of the Maya's 'Age of the Jaguar' after a Long Count, a 13 periods of
144,000 days.

So I say the Adversary is the 'God of 9.11' the 'God of War' and so uses
chosen individuals, often those with financial, military or political
influence to do his bidding, but many outside of his Elite, will not know
that they are so affected by such demonic spirits. Yet, the Adversary is
'found' so speak 'time-wise' in different 'signs and wonders' but none
search for the 'God of 9.11'.

I now await another terrorist outrage and then another war and so on until
the world is.

In hope,

John D. Miller


So to the 'Menorah' in light speed at 186,282.482 miles per second, and
whereas Albert Einstein's 'Theory of Relativity' E = mc2 is concerned with
light speed squared, I use light speed cubed, to reveal again the Menorah of
God. To do this, I use light speed in a vacuum cubed, as cubic feet and
weight the volume of the vast cube if filled with the density of air at sea
level and average temperature. And as the weight of one pound of air has a
volume of 12.387 cubic feet the weight of a cubic mile of air is
7.681599833e+25 pounds, and as tons of air, and squared, x 0.75 it is
8.820000e+44, the reference number for the Menorah, the Spirit of God, the
Eyes of God.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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