It would be nice to see some documentations.

On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, Nancy Gladkin wrote:

> In a message dated 12/18/1998 12:04:13 PM Central Standard Time,
> << And of course, Bob's "excursions" were not with junior employees nor
>  did he offer false testimony under oath regarding them. Here is where
>  extramarital sex and perjury part ways. It seems like 60-70% of
>  polled Americans do not understand this. >>
> But, can we really believe that these polls actually exist?  I, for one,
> NEVER been asked my opinion, and until I am polled, I will not believe the
> numbers that are thrust down my throat daily concerning the Presidents
> approval rating.

  When Chinagate broke, TIME magazine reported that the White House
"internal" polls fell "through the floor". Did you ever see that drop
reflected in the mainstream media polls? No?

  The published polls do not measure public opinion. They are intened to
manufacture it by relying on the herd instinct. This "tyrany of the
polls" has been used to sell the government's lies for years by convincing
the public that "mst people" approve of what is being said and done,
thereby stifling dissent.

  No doubt, there is somewhere a poll that proves most Americans believe
the center fuel tank theory.

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