-Caveat Lector-

from alt.politics.org.cia
As always, Caveat Lector.
<A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.org.cia:40686">New CIA Documents On
Clinton Crypto Scandal</A>
Subject: New CIA Documents On Clinton Crypto Scandal
Date: Tue, Dec 15, 1998 3:01 AM
Message-id: <755fi7$tqf$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The CIA has released new documents written in 1996 showing Vice
President Al Gore ordered the CIA to enforce strict controls on
mass market security software for personal computers.

The documents were discovered at the Department of Commerce and
were released by the CIA in response to a Freedom of Information
(FOIA) request.  The CIA documents are two memos written by CIA
Director John Deutch to President Clinton and Vice President Al

The CIA reports detail Federal government efforts to monitor
computer communications such as email, using a technique to
secretly intercept and decode any messages.  According to the
CIA Director, the back-door keys were to be held by "key
recovery agents" licensed by the Commerce Department.

According to one document, a memo written by CIA Director
Deutch, Gore ordered the CIA to tell the Commerce Department to
take a "tougher approach to licensing."  The memo states Gore
ordered the CIA to "tighten the control regime for encryption
products that do not support key recovery."

Janet Reno, according to Deutch, took a much harder line,
supporting an all out Federal take-over of the industry.  The
Justice Department, proposed "legislation that would ... ban the
import and domestic manufacture, sale or distribution of
encryption that does not have key recovery."

The CIA Director, backed by the Commerce Department, rejected
the Reno proposals in favor of a so called "middle of the road
approach."  According to the CIA, "We have rejected the policy
option of mandatory control because we believe legislation to
ban use of encryption in private communications will not be
adopted here or abroad, notably in Germany and Japan."

The memos include the CIA Director's blank copy of a
Presidential executive order that was later signed by President
Clinton in November, 1996.  The CIA written executive order
transferred control of encryption technology to the Commerce
Department.  The order transferred authority for both mass media
software and formerly military items such as radios, and
satellite telemetry systems hardened against atomic warfare.

Mass media encryption software is freely available over the
Internet and sold in retail outlets.  There are currently NO
domestic regulations covering the private or business use of
security software in the United States.  The software is used to
protect medical, financial and personal information.

The Clinton administration considers such PC software to be a
threat.  Law enforcement claims encryption technology could be
used by criminals and terrorists.  The Clinton administration
considers mass market software a "munition" and strictly
controls exports with felony charges backed by the Department of

Clinton's plan was to force U.S. computer makers to build
back-doors into their products in order to obtain an export
license.  The CIA Director wrote to Clinton, "Our principle
lever is exports controls, which can influence industry because
it seeks to develop products that work worldwide.  Thus, our
proposal would ease export controls in exchange for industry
commitment to build key recovery products and supporting

Clearly, the Clinton administration was aware of the futile
operation to control PC software available in the retail market.
The CIA report detailing the imposition of strict controls
contradicts an earlier May, 1996, Commerce Department document.

The May 1996 Commerce document details a meeting with the CIA,
FBI and Department of Justice.  The document states "Efforts to
maintain tight controls on encryption in the 'Internet age' lack
credibility, threaten to impose real costs on U.S. industry and,
its competitiveness, and are becoming a political embarrassment
for the Administration."

According to the 1996 Commerce document, "Lost in the debate,
but not irrelevant, is the fact that it is virtually
impossible to enforce export control's against them when they
can be exported by phone and modem or/in someone's pocket."

Clearly, it is far easier to control multi-million dollar
military grade items than low cost PC software.  Rare or hard to
build electronics such as radiation hardened, encrypted,
telemetry control for satellites, are not available to the
general public nor would they be of much use.  Military
communications, such as secure satellite control systems, are
built to withstand the intense radiation of space or nuclear

There is no doubt that the Chinese military sought such items
for their strategic nuclear forces.  For example, in February
1996, a Chinese Long March rocket crashed with a high tech Loral
Intelsat satellite, killing 200 civilians.  U.S. investigators
discovered that a hardened telemetry control board was removed
from the crashed Loral satellite.

Clinton authorized exports of military encrypted communications
and satellite telemetry to the communist Chinese.  In July 1996,
Clinton signed a waiver for Loral to export a fully operational,
encrypted, satellite control station to Beijing.  According to
the GAO, Clinton authorized the direct export of an encrypted
air-defense communications system directly to the Chinese Air

Clinton's signature was sought by Loral's competitors as well.
For example, Motorola wrote the State Department in November,
1994, requesting to export encrypted radios to China.  The
Motorola letter clearly notes that Bill Clinton was signing
waivers for other American companies.

The 1994 Motorola letter states "This is to request that your
office initiate action to obtain a waiver from requirement for
individual export license notifications to Congress for wireless
mobile communications systems containing encryption for China.
Such a waiver was issued by the President in September of this
year for civilian satellite systems and encrypted products for
use by American firms operating in China."

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies are directly
responsible for our national security.  U.S. intelligence and
federal law enforcement officials often pride themselves as
being the prime defense against espionage and terrorism.  The
FBI an NSA are responsible for military grade exports.  They
have the oversight and the power to prevent exports of
multi-million dollar satellites and other military equipment to
communist China.

The FBI and the NSA failed America.  While overlooking Bill
Clinton signing waiver after waiver for exports of military
hardware to China - the NSA and FBI decided to go after American

Yet, the FBI and the NSA are NOT responsible for the millions of
personal and business computers in America.  Government agencies
offer no protection from hackers or virus attacks.  The FBI and
the NSA are NOT the first line of American digital defense.

The American computer industry established a vast array of
anti-virus software and hardware to fight malicious software
threats.  The same should follow for mass market encryption
software which keeps hackers out of unauthorized data.

However, the Clinton policy takes jobs away from America
engineers and passes them overseas.  According to a November
1998 report from the CATO Institute, "The next generation of
advanced encryption technology for e-mail or real-time
communications is unlikely to be developed within the United
States...  As long as export controls are maintained, jobs,
capital and profits will leave the United States as technology
companies set up operations elsewhere."

Bill Clinton and Al Gore insist on controlling domestic mass
media and business computer security.  They are hurting American
security.  Their policy costs lives and money.  It helps the
terrorists, criminals and hackers penetrate vital computer
systems that control banking, communications and electric power.

In addition, Bill Clinton used government policy to black-mail
American businesses seeking export licenses.  Clinton used his
office for extortion, selling the secrets of our military
communications to enrich himself and remain in power.

The 1998 CATO Institute report calls American encryption policy
an "albatross" around Clinton's neck.  The new report released
by the CIA shows the Clinton encryption policy was no
"albatross".  The encryption policy was a "cash cow", feeding
Chinese Army money directly into Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election


New Document from the CIA


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
SOFTWAR         http://www.softwar.net      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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