-Caveat Lector-
Pyramid Complex, if I were God…

OK, if I were God I would want to show to the Skeptics that I knew what I was doing when I made the natural Earth, (the Jewel in my crown), and made ‘mans’ world now Hades, and the lower diabolical world of Hell.

And I would use the arithmetic of the eclipse to scream out to the Skeptics to count the obvious. Being God, I would have ensured that an eclipse was an indisputable sign of divine disapproval, and so I would have made the diameter of the Moon to cover the diameter of the Sun in the phenomena called a total  eclipse.  Of course I did not want the Moon’s track moved exactly in the plane of the ecliptic, for there would be a central eclipse of the Sun every new Moon, and a total eclipse of the Moon every month.

No, I would make the Moon’s orbit incline to about 5 degrees to the ecliptic (to the plane of the Earth’s orbit), so that the Moon’s path around the Earth only cuts the Earth’s path around the Sun at two points called nodes. And so an eclipse can only take place if the Moon is at, or very near to, a node when the two nodes are in line with the Sun and the Earth. Now, I notice that God has already done what I would have done, and that is to ensure that the Sun passes a particular node every 346.62 days, (this is less than a year because the nodes are moving east to west and meet the Sun before it completes its yearly circuit). And so the alignment of the Earth, Sun, and Moon and nodes occurs every 18 years 11.3 days, and so an eclipse will occur after this period, but not exactly in the same place, but about 120 degrees west due the odd third of a day. This cycle is called the Saros Cycle, a name given by the Chaldean priests.

So the Saros Cycle has 19 revolutions of the line of nodes relative to the Sun during a period of 18 years 11.3 days, with each revolution of 346.62 days, so 6,585.78 days, roughly 223 lunar months which is 6,585.32 days. And so ‘Seven Saros Cycles’ is equivalent to 6,585.78 days x 7 is 46,100.4600 days.

OK, now God decided upon a velocity of light in a vacuum of some 186,282.4586 miles per second (299,792.55kmps), and deduct from the speed of light, the speed of gravity at 177,000 miles per second is 9,282.4586 miles per second; the difference between ‘Light and Darkness’.

Now the Pyramid Complex of the three main pyramids of the ‘Pyramid Age’ some 4,000 to 4,500 years ago, is found in the measurements of the Earth at 3,963 miles in radius x Hades at 1,260 miles thick, and Hell at 1,833 miles in radius. And by inserting the measurement of the Earth into the GRID Code Earth  reappears as 459 and Hades reappears as 155 and Hell as 305.

And 3,963 x 459 x 1260 x 155 x 1833 x 305 is equivalent to 700,000 Saros Cycles each of 6,585.78 days is 4.610046000e+09 x Light – Dark at 9,282.4586 miles per second x Light – Dark at 9,282.4586 miles per second.

Thus the Moon, the Bible calls the symbol of the Rule of Darkness, has the ability to darken the Sun as seen from the Earth, because the eclipses are the result of the Saros Cycle of measurements in time, and when used with Light – Dark per second squared reveals not only the Pyramid Complex of the Earth, Hades and Hell, but the Earth, Hades and Hell in code.

Now that is rather curiously mathematical.


John D. Miller

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