-Caveat Lector-

In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 
06:54:12AM -0500
Organization: http://www.cosmicpenguin.com/911

Here's a report on the antienvironment organization "American
Policy Center" and its leader Tom DeWeese.  This group keeps its
funding sources secret, but if it's like other antienvironment
groups it's funded by the ultra-wealthy owners of timber, real
estate, chemical, etc., companies, who don't want any government
regulations interfering with their destruction of the planet for
profit.  For example, it claims that global warming is a myth.


      13873 Park Center Road, Suite 316. Herndon, Virginia 20171
               Phone - 703-925-0881 o Fax- 703-925-0991
        Web Site - www.americanpolicy.org Email- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Compiled 1998

   Established 1988, formerly the Foreign Policy Centre. Lobbied
   Congress for aid to "freedom fighters" in Angola and Nicaragua
   and opposes returning control of Panama Canal to Panama. Main
   areas of activity include opposition to US involvement in the
   United Nations and "Outcome Based Education." Promotes a hard
   right view on limited government with frequent reliance on
   conspiracy theory and sensationalistic fund raising letters. The
   American Policy Center is a 501(c)4 tax-exempt organization. APC
   is affiliated the 501(c)3 American Policy Foundation which
   provides "research and educational services" to APC, 501(c)3
   Putting Liberty First, and the for-profit DeWeese Company. APC
   claims to be able to "reach up to one million activists in a
   matter of hours" through its action alert system. DeWeese claims
   350 talk radio shows are members of the alert system, and claims
   to reach thousands more through the APC website. (fundraising
   letter, March 1998) Claims three million people are reached by
   direct mail campaigns, "delivering the facts on the radical
   environmental agenda as well as the lates outrages from the
   United Nations." (Insider's report, January 1998). Publications
   have quoted Michael Coffman and Henry Lamb at length, included
   their writings. APC networks with groups like Lamb and Coffman's
   Sovereignty International and Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum.
   (also March 1998 fund raising letter). Demand US get out of th
   UN. General preoccupation with a United Nations take-over of the
   US, with repeated ridiculous statements such as "I have warned
   that the U.N. land grab of sovereign U.S. soil could put 50% of
   our nation off-limits to human activity." (Fundraising letter,
   February 1997). Every Insider's Report, mailed monthly, is
   accompanied by a "desperate " or "urgent" fundraising plea.

   Key Personnel:

   o Tom DeWeese. President. Long history of direct mail
   fundraising schemes, still carried out by DeWeese Company.
   Serves on the executive committee of Chuck "Rent a Riot"
   Cushman's Grassroots ESA Coalition, which opposes the Endangered
   Species Act, and is on the advisory council of Sovereignty

   o Steve Symms. Chairman, Board of Advisors. Former U.S .Senator.
   UN conspiracy whack ball.

   o Kathleen Marquardt.
   Vice President. Formerly of Putting People First, then Putting
   Liberty First, an organization now subsumed by APC

   o Bonner Cohen.
   Member, Board of Advisors. EPA Watch. worked with DeWeese since
   the 1980s.

   o Arnold Beichman.
   Member, Board of Advisors. Hoover Institution (APC Wrote "

   o Andrew J. Gatsis. Member, Board of Advisors. JBS member, UN
   conspiracy guy, basic freak.

   o Willard Pearson. Currently listed as member of Board of
   Advisors. Deceased since 1996?

   o Phillip Abbott Luce. Member, Board of Advisors. Another right
   wing extremist. Advocated deported Arab-Americans in the 1980's,
   accusing them forming a secret terrorist organization.


   Blocked statehood for the District of Columbia by gathering
   10,000 signatures (1996?) .

   Co-sponsor of Conservative Political Action Conference in 1994.

   Financial supporter of Bonner Cohen's EPA Watch publication.

   In 1995 the American Policy Foundation awarded research grants
   to employee Bonner Cohen, and to Wise Use group Stewards of the
   Range. (Right Guide 1998).

   Called for December 5, 1997 "Strike for Liberty", a loosely
   organized event to protest the Kyoto Treaty. (It included a call
   for all talk radio shows to play "Proud to be an American"
   followed by the Star Spangled Banner). Though Alan Caruba of the
   National Anxiety Center was in charge of the publicity, a Lexis
   Nexis search yielded zero press accounts of the strike. Caruba,
   whose organization is a "clearinghouse for information about
   media driven scare campaigns" has also been a contributor to the
   Insider's report.

   Opposed the American Heritage River Initiative as "one of the
   greatest federal land grabs of all time." (Insider's Report, May

   called global warming a "hare-brained theory" (Insider's Report,
   Spring 1992).

   Perpetuated idea "from a reliable source" that Unabomber Ted
   Kaczynski "has been a member of Earth First! for two years. He
   may well have been their most successful monkeywrencher."
   (Insider's ReportAugust 1996) The FBI has found no connection
   between Earth First and the Unabomber (WSJ 3/2/99).

   Has called the National Religious Partnership for the
   Environment a "UN-front group of anti-Christian,
   earth-worshipping pagans.." for their efforts to enlist
   congregations to support the Kyoto treaty and supporting the
   movement for a Christian ethic of environmental stewardship.
   (APC Sledgehammer, September 1998). On another occasion, DeWeese
   stated that t the NRPE promotes "earth-worshipping paganism that
   many times borders on actual Devil worship." and urged readers
   to contact the Christian Coalition, Focus on the Family, and
   other Christian Right organizations. (APC. October 22, 1998).

   Participation in the anti-environmental "Wise Use" movement

   Member of ECO

   Member of Alliance for America

   Supporter of Chuck Cushman's property rights vote index, 93/94-

   Member Grassroots ESA Coalition- DeWeese is on the executive

   Notable Quotes:

   "With globalists like Bill Clinton helping them, the UN is on
   the very threshold of controlling the United States of America.
   They don't need UN soldiers patrolling our streets, or UN flags
   flying over our Capitol. You won't seen that happening. They
   just need the power of international treaties to dictate
   American policies." -Tom DeWeese, APC Fundraising Letter, March

   "Kofi Annan is cut from the same cloth as Boutros-Ghali. Both
   men stand for the same ideals and goals: mainly a one-world
   government controlled by the U.N.- -APC Fundraising letter,
   February 1997.

   "There is no scientific evidence to conclude that there is any
   such thing as a 'greenhouse effect' which is supposedly causing
   a global warming... There is no hole in the ozone layer. In
   fact, true scientific data is indicating that the Ozone , in
   many cases, is actually getting thicker, not thinner.... There
   is no acid rain crisis. " -Insider's Report, "APC Takes on
   Environmental Terrorists" Spring 1992.

   "The real reason the global warming theory fits so well into the
   plans of radical environmentalists is that it focuses attention
   on coal, oil and auto producers. And these have been the targets
   of every Leftist attack since Marx first put his fateful pen to
   paper." -Tom DeWeese, Insider's Report, Spring 1992.

   "Starting at kindergarten your children are going to be used as
   free labor for homeless shelters, soup kitchens and the Sierra
   Club. That's how they will learn character and become good
   American citizens. And when the grow up, they will work for free
   in government-owned industry. This is where the federally-driven
   restructuring of our nation is headed. It's at the very root of
   the purpose of Goals 2000 and School-to-Work." -Tom DeWeese,
   Insider's Report, September 1997.

   "The CAREERS ACT will provide the framework to use school
   classrooms as little more than indoctrination centers to assure
   that the radical ideas of sustainable development are developed
   by the citizenry." -APC Urgent Action Alert, April 12, 1996.

   "I just can't believe that a majority of our countrymen want
   America to stay in the UN when we are so dangerously close to a
   U.N. -controlled one-world government... The choice we face now
   is between living under the U.N. Charter of under the
   Constitution of these sovereign United States. A choice between
   celebrating U.N. Day (October 24) every year or our Independence
   Day (July 4th)." -APC fundraising letter, 1997 "1997 America's
   Poll: What to do about the United Nations."

   "Frankly, since the incidents at Waco and Ruby Ridge, a great
   number of Americans have been growing afraid of their
   government... Occasionally we hear reports that an American base
   has been transformed into a German, Russian or UN training
   center...those who ask questions are simply tagged as 'nuts'...
   Vast areas of American lands are being placed off limits, many
   times taken from landowners in the name of some environmental
   regulation... Black helicopters, the Chinese in Long Beach,
   election fraud, UN land grabs, the New World Order- these are
   all reasons Americans have grown to fear their own government
   and its elected officials who don't seem to take notice of these
   threats. Certainly some of these things are just rumors,
   misunderstandings, or just plain unfounded fears. But enough
   have been proven true to give credibility to much of the rest.
   People are paranoid - with good reason." -Tom DeWeese, Insider's
   Report, April 1998.

   "This is not environmentalism we are hearing about -- it is
   politics, the politics of elites, it is the politics of
   socialism under a banner of green. These people are condemning
   private property, free enterprise, technology and western
   culture. And they are using the environment as a sledge hammer
   to destroy each of these concepts that we Americans hold dear."
   -Kathleen Marquardt, "Envioronmentalism: Return to Eden or
   Ticket to Hell?" APC publication, no date.

   "You rarely hear of it. No elected official raises an eyebrow.
   The media makes no mention. But power is slowly slipping away
   from your elected representatives. In much the same way Mao
   Tse-tung had his Red Guards, so the UN has its NGOs
   [Non-Government Organizations] They may well be your masters of
   tomorrow, and you don't even know who or what they are...
   Americans must begin to understand that the debate over
   environmental issues really isn't about clean air and water. It
   is about power. those who lead the American environmental
   movement, teamed with the United Nations are the worst jackals
   the world has seen since Hitler and Lenin." -"The U.N.'s Dirty
   Little Secret" , unattributed, undated. APC web site.

   Grants, fundraising. Sources unknown.

   DeWeese Report (monthly), Insider Report (monthly) and the EPA
   Watch (bi-monthly).

On Wed, Oct 29, 2003 at 06:54:12AM -0500, William Bacon wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 07:56:43 -0500
>Subject: [JBirch] URGENT ALERT!  Vote on Heritage Area land grab WEDNESDAY!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "APCalert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 2:38 PM
>Subject: URGENT ALERT! Vote on Heritage Area land grab WEDNESDAY!
>         ACTION ALERT
>From the American Policy Center, Tom DeWeese, President
>American Policy Center
>50A South Third St., Suite 2
>Warrenton, VA  20186
>FAX: 540-341-8917
>October 27, 2003
>Action Alert! Action Alert!
>This is it.
>Hold back NOTHING!
>The following four Heritage Areas will be voted up or down on Wednesday,
>October 29th, in the House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks:
>- H.R. 280:  "The National Aviation Heritage Area" sponsored by Rep. David
>Hobson (R-OH)
>-H.R. 1862:  "The Oil Region National Heritage Area" sponsored by Rep. John
>Peterson (R-PA)
>-H.R. 1618:  "The Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area" sponsored by
>Denise Majette (D-GA)
>-H.R. 1594:  "The St. Croix National Heritage Area" sponsored by Rep. Donna
>Christensen (D-Virgin Islands)
>If property rights advocates fail to rise up in protest RIGHT NOW and oppose
>Heritage Areas must be stopped!
>Heritage Areas are de facto federal zoning.
>Federal money for Heritage Areas is administered through the National Park
>Service to preservation groups and other green minions who are directed to
>preserve everything within the Heritage Area that is relevant to the
>Heritage Area.  In other words, the Park Service teams up with local greens
>to take away YOUR private property rights.
>Once an area becomes a Heritage Area, local control over zoning and land use
>is lost forever.  (To read more on the dangers of Heritage Areas, go to:
>AGAIN, this is CRITICAL.  We MUST show our muscle against these Heritage
>Areas.  If not, the Heritage Area land/power grab will go unchecked, and
>proceed to devour every community in the U.S.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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