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-Caveat Lector-

The Bush Success Story: A Global Tragedy in the Making
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never 
was and never will be."
– Thomas Jefferson
"Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."
– Benjamin Franklin
"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me 
and causes me to tremble for the safety of my 
country…corporations have been enthroned and an era of 
corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the 
country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the 
prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few 
hands and the Republic is destroyed." – Abraham Lincoln
1.                Successfully engaged in implementing an anti- 
democratic, anti-worker, anti-environment neo-con 
(neoconservative) agenda. Under the ruse of exporting 
democracy and freedom, the neo-con agenda includes world 
domination by military and economic means, replacing 
democratic rule with dictatorial rule, exploiting labor and the 
environment to the fullest, exporting American jobs overseas, 
consolidating the media to reflect a single voice, eliminating 
unions, driving wage rates and benefits ever lower, and 
destroying all social programs.
 – Project for a New American Century at 
2.                Successfully enriches heavily bankrolled special 
interest groups and giant multinational corporations by handing 
out lucrative no-bid contracts, creating numerous tax loopholes, 
and failing to prosecute corporate criminality.
3.                Successfully wages a continuing war on women by 
aggressively appointing judges who seek to overturn Roe vs. 
Wade, and by supporting legislation that would narrow a 
woman's right to choose.
4.               Successfully pursues class warfare on working 
Americans by promoting the export of their jobs overseas and 
hindering the rights of workers to form unions and receive 
overtime pay. Under Bush economic policy well over one million 
people have been added to the poverty rolls, about three million 
have lost their jobs, over $2 trillion has been hijacked from 
Social Security, the fifty states are under increasing pressure to 
slash vital programs, over one million more people have lost 
their health insurance (about 45 million in total), and economic 
growth is the slowest in 50 years.
5.                Successfully wages a continuing war on the elderly 
and on future generations of Americans with efforts to destroy 
Medicare and Social Security, and failed to do anything protect 
retirees and their pension plans from unscrupulous employers. 
Bush has conspired with Senator Lindsay Graham to draft 
legislation that will begin privatizing Social Security in 2005. - Los 
Angeles Times, November 30, 2003.
6.                Successfully ignores his promise to fight the spread 
of global AIDS by failing to provide the necessary funding. 
Meanwhile, 14 million people will die from AIDS next year.
7.               Successfully wages a continuing war on the 
environment by dismantling sections of landmark environmental 
legislation, including the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts and 
supporting oil exploration in American wilderness areas.
8.               Successfully squanders the entire stock of global 
empathy and goodwill that accrued to America following 9/11 by 
invading Iraq under false pretenses, in violation of international 
law, and without the approval of the United Nations.
9.                Successfully, and without provocation, preemptively 
invaded Iraq without any exit strategy, a catastrophic planning 
blunder that is now costing hundreds of American lives, 
thousands of American casualties, thousands of Iraqi lives, and 
hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars.
10.            Successfully handed global terrorists victories by 
failing to destroy al Qaeda, by launching elective wars that 
unnecessarily place our troops in harms way and are 
bankrupting our country, by spreading fear and loathing, and by 
rescinding our cherished civil rights. Meanwhile, al Qaeda has 
regrouped; it is deploying more terrorists and launching more 
terrorist attacks than ever; and it is poised to topple the neo-con 
installed puppet governments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
11.            Successfully slashed funds for veterans' health care 
and raised the eligibility requirements for active duty soldiers 
and their families to receive benefits.
12.            Successfully postures as a deeply religious Christian, 
yet daily ignores the teachings of Jesus, pursuing war instead of 
13.             Successfully looted the U.S. Treasury of $3 trillion to 
provide political payoffs to wealthy neo-con special interest 
14.            Successfully labeled his looting of the U.S. Treasury as 
tax cuts for everyone. Actually, the zero to $200 in tax relief that 
average Americans did receive was more than offset by 
increases in their local property and state taxes, tuition hikes, 
and increased energy costs, all made necessary to offset the 
costs of Bush treasury looting and military adventurism. 
Meanwhile, the average millionaire (Bush campaign 
contributors) received payoffs averaging over $90,000.
15.            Successfully transfigured the huge federal budget 
surplus created by Democrats into an endless sea of 
Republican red ink (deficits), thus saddling us with new debt of 
$125,000 to $250,000 a person that could easily rise to 
$500,000 a person by 2015, imperiling present and future 
16.            Successfully cut federal funding for the delivery of vital 
state and local services to disadvantaged and needy people, 
deviously labeling the cuts as necessary to reduce the 
Republican-created deficit.
18.            Successfully launched his 2004 campaign with a 
doctored TV ad that portrays him as the nations' protector 
against terrorism when, in fact, it was his inept leadership that 
led the war on terror. With real leadership, 9/11 would have been 
19.            Successfully told all other nations "you are either with 
us or against us," thus reducing the art of American diplomacy to 
the language and tactics of schoolyard bullies.
20.            Successfully avoided his military obligations by 
deserting from the U. S. Air Force, and then used his father's 
connections to evade prosecution.
21.            Successfully took more vacation time than any other 
president in U.S. history, including most of the summer or 2001, 
thus overlooking key information about terrorist activity that could 
have prevented 9/11.
22.            Successfully attended over 40 political fundraisers in 
2003, but did not attend any of the funerals for the hundreds of 
U.S. soldiers who lost their lives fighting elective wars. Bush 
intends to raise $200-$300 million in campaign funds to finance 
the cover-up of his failed presidency. Real presidents run on 
their records.
23.            Successfully rammed a prescription drug program 
through Congress that will destroy Medicare by providing windfall 
profits to drug companies, HMOs, and insurance companies, 
and provide only minimal benefits for most seniors.
24.            Successfully presided over more executions than any 
governor in America's history, and more bankruptcies than any 
other president.
25.            Successfully avoided prosecution for participating in 
the removal of thousands of likely Gore voters from Florida's 
voter rolls, a crime that enabled him to win Florida and steal the 
2000 presidential election
26.            Successfully sneaked into Baghdad Airport for a 
Thanksgiving meal with our troops who were ordered off limits to 
the press. He spent 2 ½ hours transmitting TV images of this 
pre-election propaganda stunt and then sneaked back to 
America without even a glance at the devastations his elective 
war has wrought on the Iraqi people. The many millions spent 
on this trip could have been put to far better use on things like 
curing AIDS, helping the homeless, or bringing the survival 
equipment of our soldiers up-to-date.
27.            Successfully rammed the USA Patriot Act (that 
authorizes domestic spying, warrantless searches and seizures, 
and long-term detention without being charged with a crime or 
the right to counsel) through a 9/11-numbed Congress, thus 
dealing the greatest blow to civil and human rights ever 
experienced in America.
28.            Successfully expanded the role of the U.S. military to 
spy on their fellow Americans, a mission unprecedented in 
29.            Successfully avoided commenting when General 
Tommy Franks, the man appointed by Bush to plan and execute 
the disastrous U.S. invasion of Iraq, said that any future terrorist 
attacks on the U.S. would lead to the suspension of our 
Constitution and to military rule.
30.            Successfully uses the USA Patriot Act to chill dissent 
and the right to freely assemble by directing the FBI to investigate 
individuals and groups who oppose military adventurism, the 
doctrine of preemption, and elective wars.
31.            Successfully suppresses the First Amendment right to 
peaceful protest by forcibly imposing so-called "Free Speech 
Zones." Citizens carrying pro-Bush signs are permitted to line 
the streets and gather in public places. Those who protest Bush 
militarism are moved to "Free Speech Zones," often miles away, 
places designed to hide the protesters and their messages from 
the public view, TV cameras, and the press. – Billings Gazette, 
November 29, 2003 
32.            Successfully smears as unpatriotic all those who 
disagree with his new pre-emptive American militarism.
33.            Successfully ordered American reserve units into 
action in Iraq without upgrading their equipment to the level of 
protection afforded regular Army units.
34.            Successfully installed the wealthiest cabinet in U.S. 
history; a Chevron oil tanker named after his top national security 
advisor, Condoleeza Rice.
35.            Successfully lied to the American people by convincing 
many that there were no prior warnings that a 9/11-type attack 
was imminent, when, in fact, many prior warnings from 
numerous credible sources were intentionally ignored.
36.            Successfully lied to the American people about his 
reasons for invading Iraq, falsely claiming that Saddam Hussein 
posed an imminent threat to America, possessed weapons of 
mass destruction, and would soon have nuclear weapons.
37.            Successfully refuses to cooperate with legally 
constituted commissions that are investigating what really 
happened on and before 9/11.
38.            Successfully continued reading to Florida school 
children for a full ½ hour after being informed by his chief of staff 
that America had been attacked.
39.            Successfully avoided responding to the inquiries of the 
families of the 9/11 victims, calling their unanswered questions 
unimportant and unnecessary. By and large the mass media, 
with only rare exceptions, ignores the unanswered questions.
40.            Successfully leaked the name of an undercover CIA 
agent (a felony) to the press, and has refused to cooperate in the 
continuing criminal investigation of White House personnel to 
find the leaker.
41.            Successfully expanded weapons spending (including 
vast new funding for the research and development of new 
nuclear weapons) beyond anything needed for real national 
security for the sole purpose of enriching family and friends.
42.            Successfully ignored the needs of 45 million 
Americans, mostly women and children, who cannot afford 
health insurance and presided over more foreclosures than any 
other president in U.S. history.
43.            Successfully staged a chauffeured landing on an 
aircraft carrier to announce victory in Iraq, thus falsely portraying 
himself as a hero when in fact no such victory had been 
44.            Successfully promised to find Osama bin Laden , 
Saddam Hussein, and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but 
failed to deliver on the promises.
45.            Successfully and secretly spirited approximately 140 
Saudis, including members of the bin Laden family, out of the 
U.S. one day after 9/11, a day when all commercial aircraft in the 
U.S. were grounded.
46.            Successfully stalled an investigation into whether or 
not NORAD received orders to stand down on or before 9/11.
47.            Successfully drafted a Roadmap for Peace in the 
Middle East, but has instead pursued policies leading to war, 
war, and more war.
48.            Successfully told hundreds of lies to the American 
people, more than all other American presidents combined. 
– For a comprehensive list of these lies see National 
Organization for Women at www.now.org. www.now.org.
49.            Successfully aided and abetted the consolidation of 
the mass media so that a few billionaires now control what is 
euphemistically called "America's free press." Recently, a 
Washington Post reporter confessed to being duped into 
believing that Bush's invasion of Iraq had anything to do with 
protecting our national security.
50.            Successfully and substantially heightened global 
instability and insecurity by withdrawing America from important 
longstanding treaty obligations, far more than any other 
president in U.S. history.
51.            Successfully encouraged anti-democratic campaign 
fundraising and special interest lobbying practices, practices 
that are really nothing but flagrant bribery by special interest 
52.            Successfully wages a continuing war against the 
bedrock American principle of separating church from state by 
attempting to transform our public schools into houses of 
worship and funding faith-based organizations with taxpayer 
53.            Successfully curtailed the development of cures for 
major diseases by overly restricting stem cell research.
54.             Successfully violated two international laws (The 
Hague Regulations of 1907
 and the Geneva Convention of 1949), as well as the U.S. Army 
Code of War, by ignoring the Iraqi Constitution, which forbids the 
privatization of key state assets and bars foreigners from owning 
Iraqi firms.
55.             Successfully aided and abetted the expansion of the 
anti-democratic powers of giant multinational corporations, and 
failed to prosecute gross corporate criminality.
56.            Successfully created the largest governmental 
bureaucracy in U.S. history, the Department of Homeland 
Security, and then denied the department the funds necessary to 
do its job.
57.            Successfully created an energy plan that entirely fails 
to address America's strategic need to become energy 
independent but provides substantial tax relief to the full array of 
Republican-run energy companies. (Fortunately, the plan failed 
to win Congressional approval.
58.             Successfully aided and abetted the recall of Governor 
Gray Davis in hopes of winning California's 55 electoral votes in 
the 2004 presidential election.
59.            Successfully elevated the sophistication of political 
rhetoric by calling environmentalists "green, green, lima beans."
60.            Successfully portrays himself as a Texas rancher 
when even his wife refers to him as a "windshield cowboy."
61.            Successfully promotes himself as a self-made rugged 
individualist when, in fact, his entire education and career were 
built on the use of his father's name to gain entry into Harvard 
and Yale and to attract large sums of investment capital. 
62.            Successfully promised to "leave no child behind" 
(educationally speaking), and then delivered nothing but an 
unfunded mandate that thwarts all efforts to level America's 
educational playing field.
63.            Successfully destroyed the infrastructure of Iraq, then 
committed hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to rebuilding 
it; meanwhile, the rebuilding of America's crumbling 
infrastructure is all but ignored.
64.            Successfully created numerous opportunities for 
Republican-run companies to profit from his disastrous 
pre-emptive war policy. An example of Republican war 
profiteering is Halliburton (Cheney's old company), which 
charges the U.S. Army in Iraq nearly $2.00 a gallon for gas that 
they could purchase from Iraqis for five to ten cents a gallon.
65.            Successfully but unnecessarily placed our troops in 
harms way in Iraq, then ordered them to pursue the unmerciful 
murder of thousands of innocent people, mostly women and 
66.            Successfully announced a series of false terrorist 
threats that unnecessarily spread  fear and loathing throughout 
America for the sole purpose of promoting Bush's elective wars 
and fooling the Americans into thinking their government was 
hard at work protecting them.
67.            Successfully transformed the executive branch of 
government into an operation more secretive than the CIA and 
far more threatening than organized crime or any terrorist 
organization ever could be.
A continuing public interest project initiated by
Bob Zimmerman, author of
   The American Challenge
      Twenty-One Winning Strategies
          for the 21st Century

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